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北京乐观看待这样一个一致的目标。Such a congruence of goals is viewed positively in Beijing.

萨提亚模式的主要目标是达到表里一致及高的自我价值。Congruence and high self-esteem are major goals in the Satir Model.

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证明了一个半群上所有模糊同余关系作成一个格。We show that all fuzzy congruence relations on a semigroup is a lattice.

你不能老是吃饼干!Congruence of activities- "You can't always have your cake and eat it too!"

确保目标是一致的且能将资源调整聚焦在有关的事情上。Ensure goal congruence and alignment to focus your efforts on what matters.

方法构造同余三元组,并分析其性质。Methods—The congruence triples are constructed and its properties analyzed.

我得说,在所有方面奋力争取一致性的结果是美妙的。I must say that this push for congruence in all areas turned out beautifully.

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这就是如何让你的生活的所有不同部分达成一致的方法。This is how you achieve congruence between all the different parts of your life.

研究了一类广义正则半环S上的半环同余。The semiring congruence on a class of generalized regular semiring S was studied.

PaaS或是IaaS是个费用、服务层或是与需求一致性的决定。PaaS or IaaS tends to be a decision of cost, service level, or congruence with your requierments.

设S是有向序半群,本文给出了S上的一类正则同余,称为强序同余的定义及性质。In this paper, the notation of a strongly ordered congruence on an ordered semigroup S is introduced.

描述了基于该线性同余随机序列的图像加解密算法。The algorithm for encrypting images through sequences from linear congruence generator was described.

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正则半群上的同余是由其幂等元同余类所完全决定的。The congruences on a regular semigroup is completely determined by its idempotent congruence classes.

给出了线性不定方程组与线性同余式组的新矩阵解法。The matrix method of solving diphantine equations and congruence expressions is developed in this paper.

本文主要研究某些拟完全正则半环的结构与同余。This paper mainly deals with structures of some quasi-completely regular semiringsand congruence on them.

本文通过定义逆半环上的环同余,进行一系列推广。In this paper, we first define a semiring congruence of inverse semiring, carry out a series of expansion.

利用已知的完全正则半群的结构,得到了某些完全正则半环的结构。This paper mainly deals with structures of some quasi-completely regular semirings and congruence on them.

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仅仅是我们将本能的敏锐感知力推向了荒谬的极致,还是我们不经意间摸索到了扎根于人类思想和苍茫万物间那深刻的一致性?Or have we stumbled onto a deep congruence between the structure of our minds and the structure of the universe?

利用解析方法研究了一个新的同余方程组的解数性质,并给出了一个均值公式。Using analytic methods the properties of a new congruence equation are studied and a mean value formula is given.

大衍术是宋代著名数学家秦九韶发明的一次同余式理论。Da Yan Method is the theory of linear congruence given by Qin Jiushao, who was a famous mathematician in Song dynasty.