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英国人的性格常说成是冷漠的。The British character is often said to be phlegmatic.

这些食物食物都会增加体内的粘液元素。These foods all increase the body's phlegmatic element.

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在印度没有哪个城市承受着如此巨大的不便和如此冷淡的宽容。No other city in India bears such colossal inconveniences with such phlegmatic grace.

在上海高楼林立的浦东区,上班族们镇定自如。In Pudong, the skyscraper district of Shanghai, office workers are calm and phlegmatic.

这位警官以旁观者的惊讶神色直瞪着索洛佐,仿佛这与他没有关系。The police captain was staring at Sollozzo with phlegmatic surprise, as if this had nothing to do with him.

她也跟当初珍妮一样,佩服他在烦恼面前那种强硬、坚决而漠然的态度。She admired, as Jennie had, his solid, determined, phlegmatic attitude in the face of troubled circumstance.

痰湿是糖尿病及慢性血管并发症的一个重要病理基础。Phlegmatic hygrosis was important pathology foundation of diabetes mellitus and chronicity vascular complication.

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因此,像大蒜和洋葱这类的干热食品会阻断和清除粘液元素。Therefore, such herbs as garlic and onion, which are hot and dry, break up and help purge the phlegmatic element.

而汇金本周宣布干预消息后,中国投资者的冷淡反应更为合理。Fast forward to the Huijin announcement this week, and the phlegmatic reaction of Chinese investors makes more sense.

在气质类型构成比中,维吾尔族的胆汁质和粘液质比例均低于汉族。Through the control test in two group, Hans-race' choleric temperament and phlegmatic temperament is higher Uighers'.

而体现在香港的公共空间之中的,则是倾向于物质化、制式化的公共生活,以及疏离、冷漠的都市人群关系。However, Hong Kong public space reflects the materialized and standard public life, and the phlegmatic relations among citizens.

实情是因雷斯脱对于人生已经不但有点儿冷漠,并且逐渐形成一种批判的人生观了。The truth was that Lester, in addition to becoming a little phlegmatic , was becoming decidedly critical in his outlook on life.

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领事先生,你不认为这位冷静的绅士和我收到的关于逃犯的描述是十分相像的吗?Do you think, consul, that this phlegmatic gentleman resembles, feature by feature, the robber whose description I have received?

但对于本周遭受的重创,阿森纳主教练保持了一种冷静而镇定的心态。因为他知道,伤病是足球比赛中无法避免的事。But the Arsenal manager is adopting a phlegmatic approach to this week's set-backs because he knows that injuries come with the territory.

这位沉默寡言的绅士只听她讲,至少在外表上看来他完全是冷冰冰的,不论在语调和动作上都没有表现出一点激情。The phlegmatic gentleman listened to her, apparently at least, with coldness, neither His voice nor His manner betraying the slightest emotion.

从痰湿、瘀血体质特征出发,论述食管癌的证候、病机。This passage discussed the penthemeron and pathogenesis of carcinoma of esophagus from the characters of phlegmatic hygrosis and stagnant blood.

在血瘀、心失所养、阳虚、痰湿方面南北方无明显差异。And the blood stasis, heart losing nourishment, Yang deficiency and phlegmatic hygrosis respects are no significant difference between the North and the South.

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通过对国内高水平定向越野运动员的气质类型调查分析,发现其中以多血质和粘液质居多,从心理学方面为定向越野运动选材提供依据。This paper analyzes disposition types of several famous guards from the angle of sport psychology and maintains that phlegmatic basketball players are suitable to be in rear back.

实际上,安迪?沃霍尔画中特有的那种单调、无聊和重复,所传达的是某种冷漠、空虚、疏离的感觉,表现了当代高度发达的商业文明中人们内在的感情。In fact, the element of monotonous and boring showed in his works just conveyed the kind of empty and phlegmatic feeling that emerged in the high-developed industrial civilization.

粘液质类型的或被窦炎困扰的人们应该尽量避免油炸和含淀粉食品、白糖、白面粉,大米和通心面食品、饼干、蛋糕和糖果。Phlegmatic types or those suffering from sinusitis are advised to completely avoid fried and starchy foods, white sugar, white flour, rice, macaroni products, pies, cakes, and candies.