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回到anathema这个词,起初它是个好词。So back there at first anathema was a good thing.

若有人不爱主,这人可诅可咒。主必要来。If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be Anathema Maranatha.

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“哎呀,小姑娘,快起来吧,”天使说着,把安娜丝玛从沟里拉出来。"Up you get, young lady, " said the angel, hauling Anathema out of the bracken.

安娜丝玛把她的东西收集了下,尽可能的趾高气昂地走出车门。Anathema gathered her things together and stepped out as haugh?tily as possible.

蛇人用皮鳞绳附上暗影魔法,制成了祭咒皮甲。Yuan-ti weave stands of scaled leather with shadow magic to produce anathema armor.

共和党的茶党派系厌恶增税,他们把妥协视为诅咒。Compromise is anathema to the virulently anti-tax Tea Party wing of the Republican Party.

他对谁讲的真理使徒的赦免,让他被诅咒和诅咒。He who speaks against the truth of apostolical pardons, let him be anathema and accursed.

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而对以反对军事叛变为原则的非洲联盟来说,这将是无法容忍的行为。It would also be anathema to the African Union's principled stand against military coups.

新闻界对问题的深入分析避之不及,却止于煽情的套话。In-depth analysis of a problem is anathema to the press. It stops at sensational formulas.

纳恩先生则与已经对改走中间路线的奥巴马先生保持强烈不满的激进自由主义者们极度不合。Mr Nunn is anathema to liberal activists who are already furious with Mr Obama's move to the centre.

遵从律法,摩西律法,如果你是个外邦人的话,保罗就认为这是个诅咒。Trying to keep the law,the Law of Moses, if you're a Gentile disciple of Jesus is anathema for Paul.

Fortwo在美国汽车文化里的印象就像带着一顶法式贝雷帽一样让人讨厌。The Fortwo is such anathema to American automotive culture that it might as well come wearing a beret.

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中国的计划生育政策也受到美国反对堕胎的宗教右翼势力的强烈谴责。China's family planning practices are anathema to the abortion-obsessed religious right in the United States.

更坏的是,在商业领域选择继任者是领导者最基本的事情,但是在学术领域里,这是大家所不齿的。There’s worse. While succession planning is a cornerstone of business leadership, it is anathema in academia.

这在中国简直不可想象,那儿的女人一般都会把自己裹得严严实实,为了不让自己的皮肤晒成苦工一样的古铜色。Pursuing a tan is anathema in China, where women vigilantly cover their skin to avoid the bronze of a laborer.

但是,如果您具有传统的软件编程背景,则这种随意编码的态度将是您所不能容忍的。If, however, you came from a traditional software background, this type of code-as-you-go attitude is anathema.

密苏里大学堪萨斯城分校是一所职业学校,学生均为中产阶级,传统的性别角色在这种地方不大令人厌恶。UMKC is a working- and middle-class school—the kind of place where traditional sex roles might not be anathema.

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我意识到许多保守派对增值税深恶痛绝,因为它让政府又可以从收入中分一杯羹。I recognize that a VAT is anathema to many conservatives because it gives the government an added claim on revenues.

然而,这些转基因食品却为那些有机食品的提倡者所厌恶。Yet such \\\\\\\"Frankenfood\\\\\\\" is anathema to the very people who are the strongest proponents of organic food.

若苏厄在没有杀尽哈依的一切居民前,一直没有收回自己手中所持的短剑。Joshua did not give the order to stop the war until all the inhabitants of Ai had been killed in accordance with anathema.