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现有的刑事代理制度也有其自身的缺陷。The criminal procuration system has its deficiency.

我们应改进现有的制度,以求使刑事代理制度得到进一步的发展完善。We should improve the conditions which for the criminal procuration system developing.

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我的签名如下,同时寄上将行使签名权的安德鲁先生的签名,请惠察。I refer you to my signature and also to that of Mr. Andrew, who will sign per procuration.

我的签名如下,寄上将行使签名权的无味先生的签名,请惠察。I refer you to my signature at foot, also to that of Mr. Gomi, who will sign per procuration.

我的签名如下,同时寄上将行使签名权的无味先生的签名,请惠察。I refer you to my signature at foot, also to that of Mr. Gomi, who will sign per procuration.

兹授予怀特先生代理我公司签名权,其签名如下。I have granted power of procuration to my chief clerk, Mr. White, whose signature is appended below.

兹授予矢田次郎先生代理我公司签名权,其签名如下。I have granted power of procuration to my chief clerk, Mr. Y. Yada, whose signature is appended below.

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兹授予矢田次郎先生代理我公司签名权,其签名如下。I have granted power of procuration to my chief clerk , mr . y . yada , whose signature is appended below.

王女士已授予代理签名权,地址不变,定为互相繁荣进行贸易往来。怎么说。I have the pleasure to inform you that Ms. Wang has been authorized to sign for the company by procuration.

我公司已将代理签名权赋予合伙人A先生之子,谨此告知。We have the pleasure to inform you that we have given the firm's procuration to Mr. A., the son of our partner.

我自己搞已将代理签名权赋予合伙人A男士之子,谨此告知。We HAs the pleacertain to inform you those we HAs given the firm's procuration to Mr. A. , the son of our partner.

本人因公常到海外出差,为应业务急需,特授权伍兹先生为代理。The exigencies of my business necessitating my frequent absence abroad, I have accorded power of procuration to Mr.

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兹通知,过去15年中任我公司代理的托马斯先生今后将为本公司业务担任签名责任。We inform you that Mr. Thomas, who has held our procuration for the last fifteen years, will in the future sign for the firm.

现特告为我公司服务多年的程先生已授权代理签名权。We inform you that we have authorized Mr. Cheng who has been with us for many years , to sign for our company per procuration.

谨此告知,我公司授权在此服务多年的亨利先生代理签名事宜。We have to tell you that we have authorized Mr. Henry, who has been with us for many years, to sign for our firm per procuration.

谨此告知,我公司授权在此服务多年的益田先生以代理签名事宜。We have to intimate to you that we have authorized Mr. Masuda, who has been with us for many years, to sign for our firm per procuration.

我国的刑事代理制度从无到有对于我国的刑事诉讼法来说是一次巨大的进步与突破。The criminal procuration system, developing from scratch in China, is the great breakthrough and progress for China's criminal procedure law.

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近两年来一直忠实服务于我公司的RG先生,自本日起由本公司授予签名权,谨此告知。We have the honor to inform you that we have this day accorded Power of Procuration to Mr.R.G., who has faithfully assisted us for the last two years.

随着对被害人保护呼声的日益高涨,公诉案件中的律师代理制度为理论界所重视和关注。As cries for protecting victims soar increasingly, the system of attorney's procuration is being paid much more attention by the theoretical circle now.

代理权争夺是上市公司股东惩罚未能实现公司利润最大化的管理层的最后工具。Contention for procuration is the last resort for the shareholders of a listed company to punish the management who fail to maximize the company's profits.