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越过一段台阶在左边。It's left, over a stile.

帮助跛足的狗越过栅栏。Help a lame dog over stile.

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帮助跛足的狗越过栅门。Help a lame dog over a stile.

狗跳过了栅栏。The dog jumped over the stile.

帮助跛足的狗越过栅栏。L Help a lame dog over a stile.

她瘸了,只能跳跃。She is lamed, leaping over a stile.

在这道栅栏上我还有一点儿事要做。I have a little to do here at this stile.

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我写信的风格和你很不同。My stile of writing is very different from yours.

现在他在离道格拉斯寡妇家庭院的阶梯口不到五步远的地方。He knew he was within five steps of the stile leading into Widow Douglas' grounds.

那个有名的数跳过篱笆墙台阶的山羊的老办法对我从来都不起作用。The famous old plan of counting sheep jumping over a stile has never served my turn.

跨过那条二十年如一的门槛,我心中一片惘然。When I crossed the stile that had been there for 20 years, a spasm of void occupied my heart.

某一处的篱磴边,景色特别迷人,要是让你亲眼看见,或是我能描写得恰到好处,你再不会奇怪。You would not wonder, if you could see, or I properly describe, the charm of one particular stile.

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用于将隔断板框与面板支架、插销栓、以及衣帽钩连接的安装螺栓采用的都是贯穿螺栓。Mounting screws for stile to panel bracket, latch keeper, and coat hook connections are through-bolted.

性别和谐是一种基于“不同而和”与“和而不同”双重理念基础上注重性别个性的生存理念和生活方式。Gender harmony stresses the surviving concept and living stile on the basis of "harmony but difference" and "harmony with uniformity".

他能够安然无恙地跨越栅栏,能够攀过纷乱的树篱而不被刮伤,也能够走过光滑的地面而不跌倒。He can get over a stile without danger, scramble through a tangled hedge without being caught, come down a slippery path without falling.

尤文强调的是纪律,因此俱乐部对与自身价值观一致的风格,传统和历史以及所选择的球员投入了更多的精力。Lo stile Juventus is a concept and the club care about its style, tradition and history with the same purposeful as they recruit players.

这个夏季,我已经走了好几百英里路了,只要有一面墙、有一道门、有一道栅栏门,无论大小,我都把这些话写上去。I have walked hundreds of miles this past summer, painting these texes on every wall, gate, and stile in the length and breadth of this district.

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合叶应该采用防盗钉入梅花不锈钢机制螺丝固定在门和隔断板框上的工厂预装螺纹黄铜嵌入件上。Hinges shall be attached to door and stile by theft-resistant, pin-in-head Torx stainless steel machine screws into factory-installed, threaded brass inserts.

连续钢琴合叶应该采用防盗钉入式梅花不锈钢机制螺丝加固在门和隔断板框上工厂预装的螺纹黄铜嵌入件上。Continuous piano-hinge shall be attached to door and stile by theft-resistant, pin-in-head Torx stainless steel machine screws into factory installed, threaded brass inserts.