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圈养鲸鱼亚卡。Yaka, captive whale.

无路可走的受众都死光了。The captive audience is dead.

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网上没有无路可走的受众。There is no captive audience online.

很快,炮兵连发现一名俘虏逃跑了。So the battery found a captive was gone.

宁做自由鸟,不当愚蠢者。Better be a free bird than a captive king.

她那摄人心魄的美震惊了观众。Her captive beauty astonished the audience.

部落区的人民都是无线电广播爱好者。People in FATA are a captive radio audience.

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格雷琴还活着,被关押着。Gretchen is still alive but being held captive.

我老了汉克猎人,首红的俘虏。I'm Old Hank, the trapper, Red Chief's captive.

被俘部队宁死不降。The captive troops would rather die than surrender.

巴比伦王俘虏过许多犹太人。The king of the Babylon led captive many of the Jews.

使他们在俘掳他们的人前,成为自己慈爱怜悯的因缘。He let them be pitied by all those who held them captive.

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你一生中再也不会有这样的囚徒般的观众。Never in your life will you have such a captive audience.

最后他们从船舱底部带上来一个俘虏。At last, they brought a captive from deep within the ship.

不应为圈养动物接种天花疫苗。Captive animals should not be inoculated against smallpox.

一旦你被性控制,就会成为它终身的奴隶。Sex, once you're under its power, you're a captive for life.

我看出你正在苦胆之中,被罪恶捆绑。For I see that you are full of bitterness and captive to sin.

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没有汽车的家庭的行程主要受公共交通所吸引。Non-car owning household trips are captive to public transport.

王子的现身在蒙卡拉马里俘虏中激起了希望。The prince's presence stirs hope among the captive Mon Calamari.

然而基尼必至衰微,直到亚述把你掳去。yet you Kenites will be destroyed when Asshur takes you captive.