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现在还不清楚,很难预料。It's hard to predict.

我们能预测太阳风暴吗?Can we predict solar storms?

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任何人都可以就任何事做出预测。Anybody can predict anything.

梦能先知先觉吗?Can Dreams Predict the Future?

它以前是怎么预测的呢?How did it predict them before?

我们就能做到,要预知位置。So as to predict that location.

你无法预测出“黑天鹅”。You cannot predict a black swan.

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企业家不要扮成预言家装神弄鬼。Don't predict the future, create it!

你没有必要去预测或者分析。You do not need to predict or analyze.

谁能预言他的来去呢?Who can predict his comings and goings?

我无法预测什么时候会再见到她。I cannot predict when to meet her again.

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时间就像天气,很难预测。Time-like the weather –is hard to predict.

我想四分之一决赛将在费什和罗迪克之间进行。I'm going to predict a Fish-Roddick quarter.

我们预测不会在Be2中看到键。So we would not predict to see a b e 2 bond.

我们无法很有把握地预测未来。We cannot predict the future with assurance.

类时,天气是非常难以预测。Time-like the weather-is very hard to predict.

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乌鸦报丧是一种迷信的说法。It is superstition that crows can predict death.

也像天气一样,是很难预测的。And time-like the weather-is very hard to predict.

时间也像天气一样,是很难预测的。And time-like the weather-is very hard to predict.