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谁是加拿大的土箸?Who are the Aboriginal peoples in Canada?

阿依努人是日本土著人。The Ainus are the aboriginal people of Japan.

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那项计划本来为的是“教化”土著儿童。The project aimed to "civilize" Aboriginal children.

再来还可以做俏皮的原住民风大翻领!And you can also do elaborate Aboriginal vest collars!

加拿大土著节是一个多元化的节日。The Canadian Aboriginal Festival is a multi-faceted event.

土箸是最早居住在加拿大的人。Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada.

他已经与土著居民一起生活了几年了。He has lived among the aboriginal inhabitants for a few years.

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土箸最早期在加拿大何处定居?In which parts of Canada did the Aboriginal peoples first live?

并非所有土著团体都理解日本人是他们主要的压迫者。Not all aboriginal groups saw the Japanese as their chief oppressors.

很多土著社区里的人都有一种愠怒的敌对情绪。In a lot of Aboriginal communities there's an air of sullen hostility.

乌卢鲁-卡塔曲塔原来的所有者是阿南古土著人。The traditional owners of Uluru-Kata Tjuta are the Anangu Aboriginal people.

乌卢鲁-卡塔曲塔原来的拥有者是阿南古土著人。The traditional owners of Uluru-Kata Tjuta are the Anangu Aboriginal people.

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他们最先来到“大西洋加拿大“捕鱼及与土箸通商。They first came to Atlantic Canada to fish and trade with Aboriginal peoples.

公元600年左右,玛雅人是中美洲主要的土著居民。Around A. D. 600, the Mayas were the main aboriginal group in Central America.

这就像一个土著小孩需要去剪狮子的毛,来证明他已经是个成年人了。It's like an aboriginal boy needs to cut lion's hair to prove he's a grown man.

总共有来自11所医院,901位原住民妇女参与本研究。A total of 901 aboriginal women from 11 hospitals were recruited into this study.

卡卡杜是世界上原住民岩石艺术最集中的地区之一。Kakadu is home to one of the world's highest concentration of Aboriginal rock art.

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以杀光抢光烧光的「三光政策」征讨原住民部落的暴力。Suppression of Aboriginal tribes with a policy of "kill all, seize all, burn all".

为了装点风景台湾汉族影迷们也穿上土著居民的服饰。Han Taiwanese as well as indigenous filmgoers don aboriginal dress for the viewing.

连汉族观众也和原住民观众一样,身着民族服饰前来观影。Han Taiwanese as well as indigenous filmgoers don aboriginal dress for the viewing.