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这个空气压缩机不能工作。This air compressor doesn't work.

气体燃料增压撬装体。MH62 fuel gas boosting compressor unit.

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从压缩装置上拧松隔膜。Unscrew the diaphragm from the compressor.

它没有容易出故障、制造噪音的压缩机。It has no compressor to break or make noise.

那么静音无油空压机就是最好的选择!So mute oil free compressor is the best choice!

老师。这台空气压缩器不转了。Excuse me, sir, this air compressor doesn't work.

气冷式,单段式,全密闭式压缩机。Air-cooled, one stage, totally hermetic compressor.

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1966年,昆西并入寇特工业集团。In 1966, Quincy Compressor sold to Colt Industries.

NIRVANA空压机也进行了优化设计。NIRVANA air compressor and the optimization design.

石油和化工装置中,均有螺杆压缩机。Oil and chemical device, all have screw compressor.

我们是谷轮商用冷冻压缩机的代理。We are Level agents for Copeland compressor in China.

紧缩机轴温高,检查并处置。Compressor shaft temperature is high , check and treat.

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我已关掉第三号发动机,因压缩器喘振。I have shut down my No3 engine due to compressor surge.

压缩机橇块上应提供接地线接头。Grounding tie-in shall be provided for compressor units.

压缩机把空气压缩入气缸。The compressor pressurizes the air going into the pistons.

提出一种新结构形式的变容压缩器。In this paper, a new type positive displacement compressor.

盒子内部是一台空气压缩机和一台真空泵。Inside the cabinet are an air compressor and a vacuum pump.

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各种型号汽车空调压缩机配套滚针轴承。Needle bearings for all types auto air-condition compressor.

公开了一种具有双滑阀组件的压缩机。A compressor having a dual slide valve assembly is disclosed.

年产新叶型的轴流压缩机60台套。It can produce leaf-shaped axial compressor of 60 sets a year.