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他和简保持通讯联系。He kept up a correspondence with Jane.

将不会和任何人建立通信联系。No correspondence will be entered into.

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他的英语是靠函授学习的。His English was taught by correspondence.

她与我们家保持通信联系。She was in correspondence with my family.

请用这个单号跟我们联系。Please use it in any correspondence with us.

抓紧补上通信往来和阅读。Catch up on your correspondence and reading.

所有通讯将以电邮方式进行。All correspondence will be made via email only.

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到下午前完成所有的通信联络事宜。Finish up any correspondence by early afternoon.

我能打字,处理文件书函。I can type, handle paperwork and correspondence.

他们保持通信联系已有20年。They have maintained correspondence for 20years.

我多年来一直同她有通信联系。I have been in correspondence with her for years.

我的所有通信都由我的管家操作。All my correspondence is handled by my housekeeper.

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几个月以前,他们就断绝书信往来了。Their correspondence had ceased several months ago.

如何选取对应性,这是无关紧要的。It does not matter how we choose the correspondence.

她在函授学校修法语课程。She took a French course in a correspondence school.

她在函授黉舍修法语课程。she took a french course in a correspondence school.

我们几年来一直保持通信联系。We keep up correspondence recently for several years.

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存放在编了号的卷宗内。The correspondence was all put away in numbered files.

严奄时甚至会造成通信的中断。Yan Yanshi will create the correspondence the interrupt.

发现里面有一具痴肥的尸首和一封联系信件。We found corpulent corpse and a letter of correspondence.