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他不能委派代表来指挥。He can't delegate command.

巴比特是一名正式代表。Babbitt was an official delegate.

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说明一个双参数委托。Describes a two-argument delegate.

知人善任的领导才是好领导。A good leader is one who can delegate.

解决方案就是委派这个难题。The solution is to delegate the problem.

你可能也会乐意委托别人做事。Some of you will also delegate with gusto!

他们选派他作他们的代表。They drafted him to serve as their delegate.

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然后可以单独调用每个委托。Each delegate could then be invoked separately.

在校期间曾任文艺委员、化学课代表。A delegate means you are incharge of a certain subject.

选民把他们的权力授与这些官员。The voters delegate their authority to these officials.

我应该把这个任务委托给别人,还是直接拒绝?Should I delegate this task or just say no all together?

但是当你授权委任的时候,有样东西是你不会丧失的,那就是结果。But what you don’t lose when you delegate is the outcome.

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监督控制并分配工作给所有员工。Supervise, control and delegate work to all subordinates.

含蛋白质的代表食物是大豆及豆制品。Containing protein delegate food is soja and bean products.

刷新你的游览器,剩余的就由你的代理人处理。Refresh your browser and let your delegate handle the rest.

老板不会把这项工作交给像你这样一个无知的人。The Boss wouldn't delegate the job to an ignoramus like you.

老板不会把这项工作交给家你这样一个无知的人。The boss wouldn't delegate the job to an ignoramus like you.

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不过,奥巴马的党代表选票总数领先。Obama, however, holds the lead in the overall delegate count.

瓦莉女士是在阿富汗问题上联合国和平谈判团的一名代表。Mizz Wali was a delegate to the U-N peace talks on Afghanistan.

但是如果你不学会托付你,你将会在事业上停滞。But if you don’t learn to delegate you will stagnate your business.