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我掉了认领标签了。I lost my claim tag.

设置索赔金额。Sets the claim amount.

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我们证明她的断言是错误的。We disproved her claim.

这是我的提领单。Here is my claim ticket.

我可以说自己爱神。I can claim to love God.

对要求权的允准。The allowance of a claim.

然后声称我在交换。I then claim I'm swapping.

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这是一个健康宣示Well that's a health claim.

行李房在哪里?Where is the baggage claim?

你的要求很荒谬。Your claim is quite absurd.

索赔金额正在理算中。The claim is being adjusted.

这是您的取物条,先生。This is your claim tag, sir.

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未来主义者宣称我们必须。Futurists claim that we must.

这是我的行李提领牌。This is my baggage claim tag.

一个大胆的观点是“是的“A bold claim would say, "Yes."

有人认领这件行李吗?Does anyone claim this luggage?

嘿,贝蒂。我们的索赔怎么样了?Hi,Betty. What about our claim?

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那是您的行李申报存根。That's your baggage claim stubs.

这真是一个绝对论者的声明。Thats a pretty absolutist claim.

行李提领区在哪里?Where is the baggage claim area?