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人家怀疑他的诚意。His bona fides was questioned.

博纳自然漆的溶剂含量是多少?What is the solvent content of Bona Naturale?

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博纳自然漆在冷冻后还能否再使用?Can I use Bona Naturale if it has been frozen?

我受权开的价钱是诚实无欺的。The offer I am empowered to make is bona fide.

博纳自然漆的使用量是多少?What is the application rate of Bona Naturale?

真诚是我交朋友的首选。Bona fides is my first choice of making friends.

真诚精读的人很少,但略读者却很多。There are few bona fide readers but many dippers.

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这项工作就适用法定职业要求。that you could have a bona fide occupational qualification,

有时候会被一句话感动,因为真诚。Sometimes could be affected with an word, because of bona fides.

对沃克,艾弗森和马布里来说,09-10赛季是真真正正的可怕的一年。For Walker, Iverson and Marbury, 2009-10 is a bona fide annus horribilis.

他说,“身为基地组织的传播者需要建立一些诚信,对吧?A communicator in al-Qaida needs to establish a number of bona fides, right?

但是,没有人真的还讨论是否街舞是一种真正的艺术形式。But no one is really still debating whether hip-hop is a bona fide art form.

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我行在此向汇票的出票人,背书人及合法持有人表示同意。We hereby agree with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holders of drafts.

真诚的希望新的叶绿素分子存在于某种生物中。It could be a bona fide new form of chlorophyll that exists in something living.

以前你有的只是一条旧的斜纹棉布裤,现在你有的是真正的时装表演秀。Where once you had an old pair of chinos, now you have a bona fide catwalk look.

说到这些,只是为了说明我作出下述评论的权威性。I mention all this by way of defining my bona fides for the following commentary.

我们本着“诚信互利、技术协作”的原则,深受广大用户的认同和喜爱。Our principles of bona fides, credit standing and technology cooperation is welcomed.

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还有一种博纳R850T型产品,这是一种高粘度地板胶,可使用喷枪涂抹。It is also available as Bona R850T, a high viscosity adhesive made for gun application.

如果经营入不敷出,那么我们可能永远也看不到真正的月球勘探。If the benefits don't outweigh the costs, we might never see bona fide lunar prospecting.

就是雇主能够证明存在“法定职业要求”,简称BFOQ。if the employer can show what is called a "Bona Fide Occupational Qualification", a BFOQ.