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我的头磕在了门框上。My head bumped against the doorframe.

他的头撞在了门框上。He struck his head against the doorframe.

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他不小心把头撞到了门框上,一声钝响。Due to carelessness, his head hit the doorframe with a loud bang.

从而得到门框上最低温度的计算式。The lowest temperature of the doorframe is calculated theoretically.

四门均能正常开启,门框、门槛等没有任何变形。Four can open normally, doorframe , threshold and so on not any distortion.

我刚踏进第一步时就领教了,我一头撞在了门框上。I noticed when I took my first step inside. I bumped my head on the doorframe.

使用时只需将它固定在门和门框上即可。The hydraulic damper only needs to be fixed on a door and a doorframe when used.

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“天哪,出了什么事?”她惊问道,赶紧扶住正沿着门框瘫坐下去的比尔。Dear God, what happened?" she exclaimed, grabbing Bill as he slid down the doorframe ."

裸的,肯恩倚靠门框,不平坦的烦扰当他关闭了他的眼睛,涵盖他自己。Nude, Ken leaned against the doorframe , not even bothering to cover himself as he closed his eyes.

该百叶窗体包括若干以一定斜角对应装设于这些通风开口处的百叶片。Above the doorframe there is a ventilation opening in which several louvre blades are fixed in a sloping angle.

在门框的庙Asclepios重建无数碎片发现在该地区的庇护所。The doorframe of the temple of Asclepios was reconstructed from numerous fragments found in the area of the sanctuary.

这哥们胖得像猪一样,以致不借助撬棍,就通不过门框。This fellow was porcine to such a degree that he could not fit through the average doorframe without the aid of a crowbar.

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拿一把牛膝草,蘸盆里的血,打在门楣上和左右的门框上。Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe.

2008年2月26日,在古巴西部比尔那德里奥省,一名工人正斜靠在烟草农场烤房的门框上面。A worker leans against the doorframe of a curing barn at a tobacco farm in Cuba's western province of Pinar del Rio February 26, 2008.

防火芯材、面板、隔声板、吸音棉、装饰皮革、门框设有密封隔音条。Fireproof core material, panel, sound insulaton board, Sonnd absorption cotton, decorative leather and sound insulaton bar on the doorframe.

农夫冷冷地靠在门框后,把农场打量了一遍。“是那只身上有两个大黑斑的母牛吗?”农夫慢悠悠问道。The farmer nonchalantly learned out beyond the doorframe to glance down the field. "The cow with big black spots on it?" the farmer asked slowly.

他个子足有二米,每进屋门必须低头,才能躲过门框子的拦击,叫人误以为他进门先鞠躬。When he came in through the door, he had to lower his head to avoid banging against the doorframe. It looked as though he always bowed to you at the door.

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墙面与门框因属于种类不同的材质,收缩率不同,所以也可能出现缝隙。Because the wall surface and the doorframe belong to the type different material quality, the shrinkage are different, therefore also possibly presents the slit.

特别是当门距门框10厘米时,在液力阻尼的作用下缓缓将门关闭。Particularly, the utility model closes the door slowly under the action of hydraulic damping when the distance between the door and the doorframe is 10 centimeters.

可是比赛开始后前20分钟,尽管深足攻得十分热闹,射正门框内的皮球却寥寥可数。But after competing starts, the first 20 minutes, although the depth attacks fully lively, shoots in the doorframe 's rubber ball actually very few to be possible to count.