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我是个苦役犯。I am a convict from the galleys.

我宁愿死也不愿做个囚犯。I'd rather die than be a convict.

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黑话,便是语言中的苦役犯。Slang is language turned convict.

牵涉到一个苦役犯和一个娼妇。A convict and a woman of the town.

这个证据足以证明Packer有罪。This evidence would convict Packer.

警察抓住了一个在逃犯。The police seized an escaping convict.

我扮演着法官,陪同审判团,罪犯和遭到杀害者。I play judge, jury, convict and victim.

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那个逃犯被带到海湾去了。That escaped convict was brought to bay.

罪犯收缩膜包装的探索。Convict ShrinkWrap packaging exploration.

我自己也可以给你讲我曾经是个犯人。I could tell you myself. I am an ex- convict.

多次坐牢的惯犯过去常在囚船上开玩笑。The old lags used to joke on the convict boats.

逃犯在城外被抓获。The escaped convict was seized outside the city.

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然而,陪审团并未就所有指控裁定被告有罪。The jury did not convict on all counts, however.

除非我真有罪,否则就不能不公不道地定我的罪。They can't fairly convict me unless I am really guilty.

那个越狱逃犯摔在火车下轧死了。The escaped convict fell under the train and was killed.

只有一个贼,一个土匪,一个苦役犯,叫冉阿让!There is a thief, a brigand, a convict named Jean Valjean!

枪上发现的指纹被用来判明她有罪。The fingerprints found on the gun were used to convict her.

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陪审团不会仅仅根据旁证来定罪。The jury will not convict on circumstantial evidence alone.

澳大利亚第一个丛林土匪就是非裔流放犯。Australia's first bushranger was a Convict of African descent.

难以使他认识到他信仰的虚假性。It was difficult to convict him of the falsity of his beliefs.