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在一群夏季影片的骡子里,这是一匹罕见的纯种马。A rare pedigreed entrant in a summer of mules.

最积极的茶商当中,有一个是市场新手。One of the most aggressive players is a new entrant to the market.

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另外一个有可能参加2012年大选的是原麻萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼。Another expected entrant into the 2012 race is former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.

如果一切顺利,迪皮卡Padukone将印度的最新,最快的参赛者在好莱坞。If all goes well, Deepika Padukone will be India's newest and the quickest entrant in Hollywood.

现在有一个机会摆在新进这行的公司面前,他们必须要拿出引人注目的即时点播内容。The opportunity is there for a new entrant to come up with a compelling slice of on-demand content.

人们都说,第一口最甜,而第一个进入市场者获利最丰。It is often said that the first bite is the sweetest and the first market entrant is the most profitable.

每位参加者的参赛作品数目不限,参加者可提交数码或冲哂照片。There is no restriction on the number of photos an entrant can submit. Digital or film photos will be accepted.

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由于产品的差别化而导致潜在市场进入者横向和纵向的进入壁垒。This differentiation of the products results into the vertical and horizontal entry barrier of potential entrant.

对于李宁来说,跑鞋市场是其进入美国市场的第一重点。而且李宁将不断增长的轻便跑鞋领域视为其重点发展的方向。For its first entrant into the U. S. running market, Li-Ning is betting on products in the growing "minimalist" shoe niche.

从2011年11月5日起,政府面向所有学生签证申请人出台了新的真实临居入境者要求。From 5 November 2011, the government introduced a new genuine temporary entrant requirement for all student visa applicants.

任何新航空公司一旦在事先确定的时期内运行一条航线,都将获得相关航线的终身运营权。Any new entrant will obtain grandfathering rights over the relevant slots once it has operated a route for a predetermined period.

这意味着与低成本国家连理有效的合伙关系,不要把每个新入者都视为原始的、令人毛骨悚然的威胁。This means forming effective partnerships with low-cost countries, and not seeing every new entrant as a primitive, blood- curdling threat.

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报名表格上所填信息均须在电脑里输入。资料不全者恕不受理。All the information on the form should be computer generated. Entrant must complete the entry form. Incomplete information will not be accepted.

“面对中国对手,说真的,我们都震惊了,”科斯坦蒂尼说,后来他凭借外卡参加了奥运会。"We were shocked, actually, to be playing against someone Chinese, " said Costantini, who was later added to the Olympics as a wild-card entrant.

本文构建一个模型分析了多个在位者在网络规模不同时,对进入者的兼容性选择。In this paper, the writers build a model to analysis the different compatible decisions with an entrant of incumbents with different network size.

作为行业的先进入者,泰科电子安普公司一直在综合布线领域名列前两名,在国内及重庆地区市场的占有率中仅次于美国康普公司。As the earlier entrant in this industry, Tyco Amp Electronics has kept its high rank in cabling system marketing these years, second only to Commscope.

在以往的文献中,研究了一个在位者与一个潜在进入者间是否兼容的问题,但在现实中,不同的在位者对进入者的态度是不一样的。The literatures on network externality focus on an incumbent's compatible decisions with a potential entrant. But in reality, incumbents have different choices.

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入选者在未取得主办单位之书面准许前,不可使用或容许他人作展示其制作之参赛作品。The Entrant will not exploit, or allow others to exploit, the Music Videos created by the Entrant without obtaining the prior written approval of the Organizers.

美乐家将会成为过去七十五年来在消费产品和营养产品市场中最年轻有为的公司,这个市场是一个庞大的市场。Melaleuca will have established itself as the youngest entrant in the consumer products and nutrition industries in the last 75 years. The available market is huge.

小规模、当地组织--教堂、寺庙、清真寺、服务型社团--每年会向一些人提供资金,至少你得竞争者没有你这么聪明。Small, local organizations -- churches, temples, mosques, service clubs -- may offer money each year with few takers, or at least none as brilliant as your entrant.