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定能解开我头脑中的疑团。Can ravel out what's in my head.

我们必须把事情弄个水落石出。We have to ravel the matter out.

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这种地毯永远不会开线。This kind of carpet will never ravel.

这是一段莫里斯·拉威尔的,名叫,波莱罗舞曲,的作品It's a piece by Maurice Ravel called Bolero.

我们的暂时困难将很快得到解决。Our temporary difficulties will soon ravel out.

这条绳子打了好多结,我解不开。I can not ravel this piece of string,it's all in knots.

看到你内心深处的纠结从你眼睛中流露,你就去!Knowing your deepest ravel it's gonna appears your eye, you go!

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如果哪样的话,拉威尔将会成为比贝多芬更伟大的创造者。If that were so, Ravel would be a greater creator than Beethoven.

而且,他为法国本国的德彪西和拉威尔铺了路。More than that, he paved the way for Debussy and Ravel in our own century.

莫里斯·拉威尔是法国作曲家,是二十世纪早期的Maurice Ravel was a French composer writing in the early twentieth century.

莫里斯拉威尔。主编菲利普。钢琴。彼得斯版出版。By Maurice Ravel. Edited by Philipp. For piano. Published by Edition Peters.

德彪西的音乐表现在福莱和拉威尔庄严的孔雀舞曲当中也可见一斑。Debussy 's musical presence can be felt in the Stately pavanes of Fauré and Ravel.

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说起京味文学,不能不弄明白它的含义。Mentions the Beijing style literature, has no alternative but to ravel its meaning.

如果不产生大量重复值,可以考虑把子句拆开。If do not arise to repeat a value in great quantities, can consider to ravel clause.

你最好拆散一小块碎布头来织补你的裤子。You had better ravel a bit of the left-over cloth to mend the tear in your trousers.

若过滤网或管道有损坏可拆开流量计检查,去除杂质。If the screen pack or pipe has the damage can ravel flowmeter check, remove impurities.

拉威尔。莫里森、维尔。基恩——还有不少球员都已经有可能进入一队。Ravel Morrison, Will Keane – there are a lot of players, which is healthy for us really.

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“莫里森整晚的威胁都很大,他的跑位让对方抓狂,”内维尔说。"Ravel was such a threat all night with his movement behind their midfield four, " added Neville.

云狂被同伴叫走,乐儿纠结他不救自己却只想玉佩。Cloud crazy be companions call away, LeEr ravel he didn t save himself but just want to the rationale.

中场拉威尔。莫里森和后卫塞吉。费耶斯都有进球。Midfielder Ravel Morrison and defender Zeki Fryers were on the scoresheet for Paul McGuinness' young side.