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你知道司法部设立在哪儿吗?Do you know where the judiciary fits in?

我说,‘不,所有司法人员已经在与我们作对。I said, ‘No, all the judiciary is already against us.

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审判员的独立性受到法律的保护。The independence of the judiciary is protected by law.

戈萨奇的提名现在递交到了参议院司法委员会。The Gorsuch nomination now goes to the Senate Judiciary Committee.

民事案件都有独立和公正的司法制度。There is an independent and impartial judiciary for civil matters.

涉及严重违法违纪行为的,移交司法部门处理。Involved in serious violations of law, the transfer of the judiciary.

他们中的一些人在司法或当地政府部门拥有职位。Some of them had held positions in the judiciary or local government.

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尽管如此,当地司法部门仍坚持,哈米迪应该被处决。Nevertheless the local judiciary has insisted that Hamidi should be executed.

近日发生司法官集体贪渎等事件震惊社会大众。The recent mass corruption scandal by judiciary judges shocked the community.

南京国民政府更进一步推进司法党化。Nanjing National Government pushed forward the party dominance over judiciary.

假如举报者觉得不方便,也欢迎直接向司法机关检举。If inform against person feel no-go , also welcome direct to judiciary impeach.

但要使这种制度发挥效力,就必须保证司法独立。But for this system to work, it is necessary to ensure an independent judiciary.

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从法律到具体案件的司法活动就是司法解释活动。The judiciary activity from the law to the real case is the hermeneutic activity.

将瓦解犯罪团伙,逮捕司法部门要求抓获的罪犯。Will disrupt criminal gang, asked the judiciary to arrest the criminals arrested.

法官深明社会大众对司法机构抱有殷切的期望。Judges are deeply conscious of the community's high expectations of the Judiciary.

这种学理上的分类对立法和司法具有理论指导意义。Those academic grouping is of constructive significance to legislation and judiciary.

一个独立的司法系统不听命于民选官员的意志。An independent judiciary is one that is not subject to the whims of elected officials.

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司法机构在促进调解方面的工作,亦得到讼费罚则的辅助。The efforts by the Judiciary to promote mediation are underpinned by a costs sanction.

宪制上,对司法独立的保证已全面落实。The constitutional guarantees for an independent Judiciary have been fully implemented.

对于所有这些垃圾活动,印度司法部和政府想以中国作为例子。For all such crrraaap activities, Indian judiciary & govt want to take example of China.