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我伤透了脑筋。I beat my brains.

就好像我们是没脑子覃辉。Like we h. e no brains.

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就好像我们是没脑子的。Like we have no brains.

水母没有大脑。Jellyfish have no brains.

我们的大脑是罗宾汉。Our brains are Robin Hood.

如果妳沈默,他说妳没大脑!IET, he says u have no BRAINS.

我们又对他们的脑袋瓜做什么了?What did we do to their brains?

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我对吃猪脑已经很厌烦了。I'm sick of eating pigs' brains.

我们从你那儿继承了好头脑,爸爸。We got our brains from you, Dad.

你吃过猪脑吗?Have you ever tried pig's brains?

他一点脑筋都没有。He hasnt got any brains whatever.

我会把他们的猪脑敲开!I'll blow his fucking brains out!

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没有人怀疑她的大脑和勇气。Nobody doubts her brains or grit.

但我们脑子里没有垄断。But we have no monopoly on brains.

现在我们看清楚了。他们才没脑子。Now we see they h. e no brains. Th.

我们的大脑对好奇总是精力充沛的。Our brains are wired to be curious.

你继承了你父亲的好头脑。You inherited your father's brains.

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中国人吃猴脑吗?Do Chinese People Eat Monkey Brains?

羊脑是他最喜欢的菜肴。Sheep's brains is his favorite dish.

而猴子的大脑与人类的很接近。Their brains are so close to humans.