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这些男孩子正在抽陀螺。These boys are whipping tops.

旗帜在劲风中飘扬。Flags are whipping in high wind.

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为什么要选用安佳淡奶油?Why Choose Anchor Whipping Cream?

雨点正打击着窗玻璃。The rain was whipping the window-panes.

加入已打发的淡忌廉拌匀。Pour in whisked whipping cream and fold well.

他不可能受得住一顿鞭打。He could not possibly have endured a whipping.

您看那骑手猛抽一鞭。Look at that rider whipping his horse so hard.

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如果你还一直那样的话我就要打你屁屁了.You'll receive a whipping if you keep doing that.

我也会掉转我的头左右去看他。I would be whipping my head around to look at him.

寒风卷着雨夹雪,在池塘上肆虐。The wind was whipping waves of sleet across the pond.

手亲爱的我怕我爱你爱到鞭尸。Dear, i am afraid of whipping corpse because i love you.

感觉起来就像鞭子打在脸上一样。It feels as if they are whipping my face with wire whips.

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女性罩袍没有遮到脚踝也要被鞭抽。Whipping of women in public for having non-covered ankles.

请务必在搅打前于4℃冰箱内冷藏12小时,最多不超过24小时。Only store at 4℃ for 12 to 24hours maximum before whipping.

一名老板把别人当为替死鬼,是很不道德的。It is unethical for a boss to use someone as a whipping boy.

他不可能一声不吭地忍受鞭打。He could not possibly have endured a whipping without a whimper.

妈妈善于现抓现凑,做出一顿饭来。Mama is very skillful in whipping up a meal at a moment's notice.

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风咆哮着,怒号着,抽打海水形成巨大的波浪。The wind roared and howled, whipping up the water into huge waves.

谁喜欢坐在那里听你的言之无物?Who would enjoy sitting there listening to your whipping your gums?

鲜奶油,椰汁和牛奶入锅煮沸。Place whipping cream, coconut juice and milk in a sauce pot and boil.