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斯尼非简直等不及了!Sniffy could hardly wait!

他叫“斯尼菲”,或许是因为他喜欢花。His name was Sniffy . Probably because he liked flowers.

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那天,弗拉非觉得能有象斯尼非这样的朋友,他很幸运。That day Fluffy felt very lucky to have a friend like Sniffy.

我不觉得美国人有资格对此事嗤之以鼻。I don't think Americans are in any position to get too sniffy about this.

哈利假装要使用魔咒,叫不识趣的达力滚蛋。Harry used the threat of magic spells to get rid of the sniffy Dudley Dursley.

明格拉先生的电影已经在英国受到嗤之以鼻,事实上有点势利的批评。Mr Minghella's film has received sniffy , indeed somewhat snobbish reviews in Britain.

他总是吹嘘自己带到我家来的名贵红酒,而对我带到他家去的酒总是嗤之以鼻。He is always puffing about the expensive wines he brings over to my place, and is then sniffy about the offerings I take round to his.

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他建议这些组织可以成为更为开朗的亚太共同体的“砖石”。嗤之以鼻的亚洲人必将此试之澳大利亚的专横。He suggests they may become "building blocks" for his more expansive Asia-Pacific Community. Sniffy Asians will surely see that as presumptuous.

他也是这个自大并排外的圈子里面天然的平民主义者。He was also a natural populist in a field that was sniffy and exclusive, bringing to the Met and Covent Garden a sense of opera as Italian peasant fare, “macaroni” for the masses.

早在13世纪牛津就开始教商学了,那是一个结合了法律、计和实用法语的学科,和现在一样,许多教员对这种学科嗤之以鼻。Business studies— a mixture of law, accountancy and practical French— were taught at Oxford as early as the13 th century, arousing the same sniffy response from some of the dons as they do today.