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他们正在探求真理。They are groping after the truth.

循声而去,便轻而易举地找到了那间屋子。Groping for the sound, we find the house easily.

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眞好像在暗中摸索一般。One feels as if he were groping his way in darkness.

你就像禁闭在暗室的疯子,在黑暗中摸索。You are groping like a madman locked in a dark room.

在妳探索的目光中,每一秒都是一副斑斓的图画。In your groping sight, each second is a bright-coloured.

那当然将会是在黑暗中的对新的现实的摸索。There would be, of course, a groping toward a new reality.

他在黑暗中摇摇晃晃,摸索着寻找电灯开关。He walked unsteadily along in the dark, groping for the light switch.

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我的手摸索着,它告诉我,屋里很乱,但没有人。My groping hands told me that although disarranged it was unoccupied.

他们只是不顾一切地为吃肉搜寻又一个站不住脚的借口。They're just groping desperately for yet another lame excuse to eat meat.

他一时抓不住自己的想法,好象把手伸到水里,却摸不到鱼一样。He fumbles for his thought as though his hand were groping for a fish in the water.

灰度掩模法是目前正在积极探索的一种二元光学器件制作方法。Gray-scale mask method is an active groping facture idea of binary optics at present.

随后,她用一只手摸索着,揿了一下床头的电铃。And groping with one hand , she pressed the knob of an electric bell by her beds head.

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达美航空高管称经济形势"震荡",航空业因此备受煎熬.The industry is groping its way through what Delta executives called a "choppy" economy.

我叔叔伸手摸灯绳。就在这个过程中,他打翻了一瓶墨水。My uncle was groping for the light switch. In the process, he knocked over a bottle of ink.

在我国,许多汽车公司和科研院所也在努力探索新型绿色能源电动汽车。In China, some auto companies and research departments are groping for the electric vehicles.

“我们一直在弄明白泡沫的机制,”Glaeser说。What we are groping toward is trying to understand the mechanics of bubbles, ’’ Glaeser said.

我开始学瞎子那样往前瞎摸一气,可是没站起身来。I started groping around in front of me, like a blind guy, but without getting up or anything.

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由于我是第一次刨花生,所以只能学着奶奶的样子,慢慢地摸索着。Since I was the first particle of Health, we can only learn the way grandma and slowly groping.

他拚命摆脱阴暗的想法,终于他胜利地登上了最高的悬崖。Groping his way franticly through the gathering gloom, he emerged victorious on the topmost crag.

因为无论什么时候只要稍稍感到有点无聊,孩子们就开始自动摸索怎么玩它了。Because any time the slightest whiff of boredom sets in, the kids start robotically groping for it.