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但我选择不。I choose not.

如何选择投连?。How to choose ?

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让他们选择。Let them choose.

选择一个记录员.Choose a recorder.

那么如何选择呢?So what to choose?

我选择这个房间!I choose this room!

任何地方,你来选。Anywhere you choose.

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别总是给他一巴掌。Choose not to spank.

从这些当中选择罢。Choose out of these.

选择你的战斗。Choose your battles.

除非我们选择努力。Unless we choose to.

今天,我选择平和。I choose peace today.

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任何时刻,你来选。Any moment you choose.

选择半导体激光管。To choose laser diode.

他该选择哪一个?Whom should he choose?

在这里我们选择活动状态。We choose active state.

你该选择吃些什么?What should you choose?

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你为什么要选择这些方法?Why do you choose them?

任你挑选一个。Choose any one you like.

选一个合适的好枕头。Choose the right pillow.