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焦糖姜味脆饼。Caramel Ginger Crunchies.

但其实,整个作品都是用焦糖做成的。However, it’s made entirely of caramel.

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味道好像饴糖,没什么特别的。Sort of caramel but nothing too exciting.

乔伊斯奶油焦糖,还有咖啡,热咖啡。JOYCE Creme caramel . And coffee. Hot coffee.

但你不要全把责任推到“焦糖”上。But don’t blame the caramel flavoring entirely.

苦艾可以用焦糖糖浆来取代。Absinth is to be replaced with caramel syrup again.

橡木桶使威士忌的颜色变成焦糖色。The oak barrels give the whisky its caramel colour.

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把黄油和糖煮开,直到煮成糖浆。Boil the butter and sugar until they form a caramel.

假如喜欢甜品可以吃焦糖菠萝圈。If like, sweetmeats can have caramel pineapple group.

煮至糖水变成淡焦糖色。Boil until the sugar syrup turns a light caramel color.

丰饶浓郁的土司芬芳与焦糖、香草气息交织融合。Savour warm, rich aromas of toast, caramel and vanilla.

这是一组巧克力和焦糖制成的艺术品展览。And this is the exhibition of chocolate and caramel art.

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富有又甜的巧克力以轻的焦糖泛音加味于。Rich, sweet chocolate flavor with light caramel overtones.

这甚至可能比焦糖玉米还有助于赚得名声。That may be a better claim to fame than even caramel corn.

他说,这种巧克力的口味“相当好”,具有牛奶糖的佳美风味。It tastes, he says, "quite nice" with a flavour of caramel.

慢慢地,太妃糖,焦糖和尘土飞扬的皮革痕迹出现。Slowly, traces of toffee, caramel and dusty leather emerge.

梨子,苹果与一丝淡淡的焦糖与橡木口味芳醇复杂。It has pear, apple and subtle hints of caramel and oak flavors.

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把糖酱烧至浅浅的类似坚果的褐色时就是焦糖了。Caramel is sugar syrup cooked until it turns a light, nut brown.

它们有非常浓郁的香味,并且略带一点焦糖或巧克力的味道。It has a rich, heavy flavour with hints of caramel or chocolate.

认为酱油的感官指标受所加焦糖色品质的影响较大。High quality caramel could improve the quality of dark soy sauce.