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干果.Dried fruit.

湖水涸竭。The lake dried up.

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他拧干了毛巾。He dried off the towel.

另外,你提供烘好的水果也是可以的。Offer dried fruits, too.

你们有卖甘燥的百里香吗?Do you sell dried thyme ?

我要买干的海苔。I need some dried seaweed.

他们使他们的奶牛停止产奶。They dried off their cows.

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文思枯竭。Literary thought is dried up.

这泉水早就干涸了。The spring dried up long ago.

为鲍鱼的干制品。For abalone and dried products.

他用毛巾把头发擦干。He dried his hair with a towel.

我用吸墨纸吸干它。I dried it with blotting-paper.

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使干枯的根芽得到一点点生命的滋养。A little life with dried tubers.

鱿鱼丝是很好吃的点心。Dried cuttlefish is tasty snack.

没时间去泡干豆?No time to soak the dried beans?

这条小河沟几乎干涸了。The small brook nearly dried up.

出品所用的装饰水果是干的。When fruit garnish is dried out.

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风把湿湿的地板吹干了。The wind dried the wet floor off.

这些干果用硫处理过了。These dried fruits are sulphured.

脱水胡萝卜片。Dried Carrot Slices of nature dia.