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每项权利都有与之相应的责任。Every right has a corresponding duty.

在每个格子里填写相应的事项。Ineach cell, put the corresponding story.

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透镜对应于该发光二极体晶片。The lens is corresponding to the LED chip.

如果保险管烧毁,进行相应型号更换。Change by a corresponding model if burnt down.

对应专业分工各不相扰。The corresponding professional division sorry.

更多货号对应公司编号。Multi-item the corresponding number for CO. NO.

然后我开始和恩里克-林互通书信。Then I started corresponding with Enrique Lihn.

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您应该获得对应的控制台输出。You should get the corresponding console output.

一些动词有专门的敬语动词。Some verbs have the corresponding honorific verb.

与对应的无类型超接口相反As opposed to corresponding untyped super-interface

排除类型及其相应语形。Preclusive types and corresponding linguistic form.

每个编号都是相应字节的地址。Each number is the address of the corresponding byte.

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每个元素都映射到相对应表中的一行上。Each element maps to a row in the corresponding table.

策划组织公司广告投放和推广活动。The ability of organizing, planning and corresponding.

'掌骨'。''四足动物前脚所对应的部分。The corresponding part of the forefoot of a quadruped.

然后它访问每个图案中的对应节点。It then visits the corresponding nodes in each pattern.

通过对应的复选框选择一个表格。Select a table by selecting the corresponding checkbox.

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为每个按钮组件选择相应的方法。Select for each button component the corresponding method.

然后每个子集被清仓到对应的数据库。Then each subset is flushed to the corresponding database.

编写了相应的解释软件。A corresponding interpretation software has been programed.