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第五章宗族姻亲与社会救助。Chapter V gens and affinity and the social relief.

氏族可以任意罢免酋长和酋帅。The gens deposes the sachem and war-chief at will.

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这一点反映了氏族的民主制度。It reveals the democratic constitution of the gens.

选择来到北京,开始北漂一族。Choose came to Beijing, began to north bleaching gens.

凡是本氏族的男性成员都具有同等的被选资格。All the male members of the gens were equally eligible.

典型的印第安人氏族的职能就是这样。Such were the rights and privileges of a typical Indian gens.

任何氏族只能从本氏族中选出其酋帅或首领。No gens would have a chief or sachem from any gens but its own.

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禁止氏族内部通婚,但和女继承人结婚例外。Prohibition of marriage within the gens except in the case of heiresses.

尝遍全球美食是饕餮一族的最大心愿。Tasting global cate is the greatest cherished desire of gluttonous gens.

这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens.

这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens.

氏族成员在他们处于忧患困难之时彼此相互援助。In their trials and difficulties the members of the gens assisted each other.

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赵晓柔与男朋友吴迪原本是标准的“丁克一族”。Zhao Xiaorou and boy friend Wu Di are a standard originally " Ding Ke gens ".

而对宗族、国家的孝,则是在此基础上的进一步延伸。In addition, 'Xiao'to the gens and the country is further extends on this base.

这一惯例只有在女子不能和同氏族人结婚的前提下才有意义。There is no sense in this rule unless a woman may not marry a member of her own gens.

在一些城市里,某些神的大祭司之职是由固定的氏族世袭。In some cities the office of high priest of certain divinites was hereditary in a particular gens.

倘若他们完成了这一报仇行为,被报仇一方的氏族中任何成员不得有任何理由为此愤愤不平。If they accomplished the deed it was no ground of complaint by any member of the gens of the victim.

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氏族在禁止血缘亲属结婚方面所起的推动作用,使事情更加向前发展了。The impulse given by the gens to the prevention of marriage between blood relatives extended still further.

不过,第一,正是这个关于氏族内部通婚的断言,尚待证明。But in the first place the endogamous character of the gens which is here asserted is precisely what has to be proved.

否则,受害的氏族就指定一个或几个复仇者,他们的义务就是去追寻行凶者,把他杀死。In the contrary case, the wronged gens appointed one or more avengers, whose duty it was to pursue and kill the slayer.