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狂躁发作的少年儿童可能Children and teens having a manic episode may

我现在有些狂躁,这没关系吧?“Does it matter if I am a little manic right now?

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只有一些诡异而狂热的驱动力保持我们不断前行。There's just some weird manic drive that keeps us going.

患者抑郁与躁狂交替发作。Manic depressives oscillate between depression and elation.

因而心里因素是至关重要的,心乱狂燥必输无疑!So psychological factors is crucial, become manic will lose!

领教过印度疯狂的能量后,安静平和的氛围真不错。It is astonishing, after the manic energy of India and the peace is welcome.

而对双相情感障碍的女性来说,剥夺睡眠可以引起躁狂发作。And in people with bipolar disorder, sleep deprivation can trigger a manic episode.

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目的通过循证医学方法寻找治疗老年躁狂的方案。Objective To find the treatment of an old patient with manic by evidence-based medicine.

双相情感障碍患者往往在其生活中会有躁期和郁期。People with bipolar disorder tend to have manic phases and depressed phases in their lives.

在这12个月的时间框架中所唯一的例外是躁狂发作和精神分裂症谱系疾病。Exceptions to the 12-month time frame were manic episode and schizophrenia spectrum disorder.

她是个狂躁的人,脑子总是不停地转,试图在同一时间里做好100件事。She is a manic person whose mind is constantly racing and she tries to do 100 things at once.

市场先生在十月以前爆跳如雷,但之后却突然收敛了下来。Mr. Market was on a manic rampage until October and then experienced a sudden, massive seizure.

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躁狂抑郁病人一般更有创造力,但一般在躁狂阶段。Very often manic depressives are highly creative, but that's usually during their manic phases.

通过温和轻躁狂的狂躁高位,抑郁低点有许多中间人。From the manic highs through the milder hypomania to the depressive lows there are many in-betweens.

在这些交易员处于躁狂期时,他们操纵资金席卷某些国家和经济部门。When these traders are in their manic phase, they flood countries and economic sectors with capital.

专门经营一种淡黄色七年生的品种的他描述了普洱茶市崩溃前狂热的日子。As he served an amber-hued seven-year-old variety, he described the manic days before Pu’er went bust.

这样一篇净土或许真的存在,就在离我很近的地方,只是我被内心的狂躁蒙住模糊的双眼。So maybe there is a pure land on me from the vicinity of, but I was manic mind vague eyes blindfolded.

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对于那些患有两极型紊乱的人,他们的思考变得非常快,以至于使狂热的感觉会变为厌恶的感觉。For people with bipolar disorder, thoughts can race so quickly that the manic feeling becomes aversive.

其目的是要展示本科生活的混乱、大量的钱、和狂乱的精力之间的互动关系。The point is to show an interaction of undergraduate chaos, enormous amounts of money and manic energy.

我充满希望地发出一声怪叫,急促向前,深吸了一口气,然后扑通一声,连人带树熊一起投进了水塘。With a manic cry of hope I scuttled forward, took a deep breath and flung myself in, complete with koala.