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比较之下,“二号系统”则是慢速的、审慎的思维,不易犯错。“System 2”, by contrast, is slow, deliberative and less prone to error.

计划在2011年1月召开一次委员会闭门式审议会议。The Committee plans to meet in January 2011 in closed, deliberative sessions.

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这本论文集讨论的是经常引起争论的协商民主的概念。This collection of essays discusses the often-debated concept of deliberative democracy.

我期望你们的审议会议开得富有成效,并期待着看到你们的最后报告。I wish you productive deliberative sessions and look forward to reading your final report.

选举团当时发挥着审议机制的作用,每位选举人都凭自己的良知投票。The Electoral College operated as a deliberative body and each elector voted his conscience.

现在,他担心的是要不要派更多军队去阿富汗。Now he is immersed in a deliberative exercise about whether to send more troops to Afghanistan.

只有这样,协商民主才能成为互联网时代我国民主政治的重要形式。Only in this way, can deliberative democracy become a major form of Chinese democratic politics.

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文章最后提出了完善新时期人民政协协商民主的对策。At last, we give some advice to perfect the Deliberative Democracy in the form of the CPPCC in new time.

这类知识,需要判断力与商议能力,商议技能或商议艺术。This kind of knowledge entails judgment and deliberation the deliberative skill or the deliberative art.

这个时候,协商民主在中国的运用可以在一定程度上缓解选举民主的压力。In this case, the application of deliberative democracy can moderate the pressure of electoral democracy.

西方协商民主理论展示了当代社会政治领域的新气象。The Western deliberative democratic theory indicates the new phenomenon in the contemporary political field.

通过慎思规划解决了复杂环境下的局部势能陷阱问题。They are combined with the advanced deliberative module and successfully resolve the problem of local energy trap.

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最后一部分提出了以协商民主来协调社会利益多元化冲突的路径。The last part offers the ways of using deliberative democracy to coordinate the conflict of social multi-interests.

在当代中国,论坛与恳谈会是协商民主的典型实践形态。In contemporary China, the Public Forum and Democratic Communion are the typical forms of Deliberative Democracy practices.

多党合作中的协商民主是中国特色协商民主的最初、最主要的形式。Deliberative democracy in multi-party cooperation is the initial and main form of Chinese characteristic deliberative democracy.

这些使人民政协与协商民主具有天然的联系,它是实践协商民主的重要形式。The CPPCC and deliberative democracy have a natural connection, so it is an important form of practice of deliberative democracy.

一些自由民主制也含有直接民主的成分,例如进行全民投票和全民公决以及“民主协商”。Some liberal democracies have elements of direct democracy such as referendums, plebiscite, and models of "Deliberative democracy".

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最后,论文分析了当代中国协商民主存在的问题及其原因,并为完善协商民主的途径提出了一些思考性的建议。Chapter 4 analyzes the problems and causes of deliberative democracy in contemporary China, and presents some suggestions to improve.

进而以科技唯实主义的观点,指出具体落实审议式的网际民主所应关注的议题与努力方向。This paper points out important issues and directions about how to realize the deliberative democracy from the technorealist perspective.

选举民主与协商民主相结合,是中国社会主义民主的一大特点和优点。The combination of the electoral democracy and deliberative democracy is one of major characteristics and advantages of China's democracy.