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他狂热地追求她。He ran after her fanatically.

这种饮食看起来对我的限制太多了——即使充满热情,还是无法释怀。The diet seemed too restrictive to me — even fanatically so.

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彼得是一个狂热的爱国者,他爱民如子He remained a fanatically Russian patriot, the father of his people.

他经常带着一架结构复杂的黑色照相机象着了魔那样到处奔跑。He sprang from spot to spot fanatically with an intricate black camera.

他们全部都狂热的投入到维持这个世界的公众利益之中。They are all fanatically devoted to making sure the common good is maintained.

他疯狂地翻找着文件,把书桌上的小摆设碰落了一地。He searched fanatically for the papers, knocking down the knickknacks on the desk.

布什总统已经不再练习慢跑,他疯狂地爱上了骑山地车。Now that President Bush doesn't run anymore, he rides his mountain bike fanatically.

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追随者对其如此狂热的信奉,以至于为了支持它们而愿意去发动战争。Their adherents believe in them so fanatically that they are willing to go to war in support of them.

如果你心不在焉,那些狂热份子一定会把你给挤兑出局。If you’re heart is not completely in it, someone out there that’s fanatically in love with what they’re doing will out hustle you.

他从来不会离开他那被成百的无上忠诚、训练精良的士兵所重重防守堡垒。He never leaves the confines of his heavily fortified castle, which is guarded by hundreds of fanatically loyal and well trained troops.

在过去的一年中我热切地深入研究世界各国的标准,blackdogprod写道。“I have fanatically spent the last year thoroughly studying every country in the world to find the correct building, ” blackdogprod wrote.

狂热的爱书者愚蠢地抗拒电视,他们忘记了电视作为一个出色的媒体,是可以将孩子转向书本。Book-lovers who are fanatically and foolishly anti-television forget that television is a marvellous medium for turning children on to books.

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人们曾经毫不怀疑的认为,是原子弹的伟大力量让日本从盲目的自取灭亡走向了跪地求饶,但现在这种观点已经过时了。Gone is the untroubled assumption that the mighty power of the A-bomb turned Japan from a fanatically suicidal nation at war to one begging for surrender.

不过当某人真的打电话来,要把它视为一个建立狂热忠诚客户的绝佳机会,让这个客户到处宣传你们做得有多麽好。But when someone does call, look at it as a great opportunity to create fanatically devoted customer, one who will prattle on and on about what a great job you did.

当我说为什么你放弃你所忠诚于的为了人类的工作时,他的反应就象对于我的提及他一点都不知道。When I said why would you abandon the work you were so fanatically committed to for the sake of humanity his response was as if he had no idea to what I was referring.

天使在人间帮助她找到周梦君,一位醉心音乐,却在理想和爱情面前迷茫的年轻人。In order to help her, angels descend to the human world and finally find Zhou Mengjun, a young man who loves music fanatically and is, however, perplexed towards love and dreams.

我比较认同这种观点,毕竟今天房地产市场之火爆,是前所未有的,从未见过哪个国家的国民被如此狂热地卷入炒房之中。I agree with this view, after all, today's real estate market unpopular, is unprecedented and has never seen any country whose nationals have been involved in so fanatically Real.

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比如,一个创业公司着迷于希望创立一个企业级软件公司,但如果后来需要转型到生产消费品,就很可能会产生摩擦。For example, if one startup is fanatically obsessed with wanting to create an enterprise software company, then friction may be created if the model needs to shift to a consumer product.