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我的爱是成熟且无私的吗?Do I love maturely and selflessly?

可不可以教我谈一场无私的恋爱?Can you teach me how to love selflessly?

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她也是这样无私地对我的。She often does everything for me selflessly.

你经常会尝试去做出一些无私的举动吗?Do you try to act selflessly on a regular basis?

月亮永远无私的照映在每个人身上。The moon always shines upon everybody selflessly.

只有忘我工作的人才能赢得时间。Only those who work selflessly are able to gain time.

他愿意无私地帮助那些向他求助的人。He was willing to selflessly help everyone who turned to him.

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她为我们树立了一个毫不利己、一心干革命的榜样。She set an example to us in selflessly working for the revolution.

雷锋被称为一个模式,提供了无私地帮助别人。Leifeng was known as a pattern that offered help to others selflessly.

李男士在此地无私地干了好几年,终于得到提升。After staying selflessly in here to few seasons, Mr Li got promoted at end.

它大多是毛毛细雨,轻柔而又无私地滋润着干涸的大地。It drizzles sometimes, moistening the thirsty fields lightly and selflessly.

李先生在此地无私地干了好几年,终于得到了提升。After working selflessly here for several years, Mr. Li got promoted at last.

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李先生在此地无私地干了好几年,终于得到提升。After working selflessly in here for several years, Mr Li got promoted at last.

老僧侣说无论你做什么事情只要把时间抛弃在你忘我的集中注意力之后。The old monk said,"Whatever you do, only you leave time behind you can you focus on it selflessly."

上面的这幅画启发人们应该无私地把自己奉献给整个社会。The drawing above suggests that people should selflessly dedicate themselves to their community as a whole.

为确保安全、顺利地采好每一人次的血,需要我们做许多耐心、细致的具体工作。We must work patiently and selflessly in order to ensure safety and successfully for everybody in blood taking.

只有这些代表们克尽职守,这样的规定才有可能起作用。Only when the deputies fulfill their supervisory duties selflessly will the value of the regulation be realized.

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与70年代相比,男子现在几乎不期望无私地为他们的公司服务来改善自己的生活。In contrast with the 1970s, men now can hardly expect to better their lives by selflessly serving their companies.

在博客中,他还无私地把自己所有成熟的研究成果和作品,都张贴了出来,力求对别人有所帮助。On the blog, he has selflessly posted the results of his research, hoping that they will be of assistance to others.

一个外国人,毫无利己的动机,把中国人民的解放事业当作他自己的事业,这是什么精神?What kind of spirit is this that makes a foreigner selflessly adopt the cause of the Chinese people's liberation as his own?