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孩子们爱李尔先生,也爱他的诗歌。The children loved Mr Lear and his poems.

我有一位飞了美国空军的李尔喷气式飞机的朋友。I have a friend who flew Lear Jets for the U. S.

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我看见了这个美丽的湖清晰,李尔水。I saw the beautiful lake with clean and lear water.

他扮演的莎士比亚的李尔王在巡回演出中获得了巨大成功。He's in the midst of a triumphant tour as Shakespeare's King Lear.

认识李尔先生又该多高兴他写下了这么多的诗句。How pleasant to know Mr Lear who had written such volumes of stuff!

里尔王称他将接受必要的刺痛。King Lear says he wouldexceptnecceties accept necessity's sharp pinch.

当代传奇剧场的吴兴国在「李尔王」中一人分饰十角。Wu Hsing-kuo of the Contemporary Legend Theatre plays 10 different roles in King Lear.

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李尔王是伟大的英国戏剧家莎士比亚笔下一位著名的悲剧人物。King Lear is a famous tragic hero created by the great British dramatist-William Shakespeare.

达索猎鹰是欧洲制造的私人商业客运机,类似于Lear喷气。The Dassault Falcon is a European-made private passenger business jet that resembles a Lear jet.

而剩下的部件,则来自类似德尔福、博格华纳、李尔等跨国供应商。The remaining components are from multinational suppliers such as Delphi, Borg Warner, and Lear.

在塔特的版本里,李尔王在退休后得以安享天年,而考狄利娅则和埃德加终成眷属。In Tate's version Lear lives out his last years in retirement, while Cordelia gets hitched to Edgar.

因为喜欢英国传统的水彩画,所以我就开始收集爱德华•利尔的作品。I loved the British tradition of watercolor paintings and had already started to collect Edward Lear.

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格雷斯拍摄了八百多架私人飞机——从“李尔王系列”到“波音747-400”。Gleis has photographed over 800 private aircraft – ranging from the Lear 20 series to Boeing 747-400s.

高纳里尔的丈夫开始替自己解释起来,希望李尔不要以为他参加了这种不义的行为。Goneril's husband began to excuse himself for any share which Lear might suppose he had in the unkindness.

凯西·塞尔登扮演朱丽叶,还有麦克白和李尔王,不过你必须得戴上胡须。Kathy Selden as Juliet, as Lady Macbeth, as King Lear. You'll have to wear a beard for that one of course.

科罗拉多州的雪伦‧李尔在她三十八岁时学会了先前令她恐惧的下坡滑雪。Sharon Lear learned to downhill ski, a sport which had previously terrified her, in Colorado at the age of 38.

英国著名作家威廉·莎士比亚在他的巨剧“李尔王”中写下了一些很接近这个短语的内容。The famous English writer William Shakespeare wrote something very close to this in his great play "King Lear."

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现确定一下我们于星期一通过电话预订的三月十日下午“李尔王”那场剧的两张包厢戏票。This will confirm reservation made by phone on Monday for two box seats for the afternoon of March10 for" King Lear".

但战事不利,考狄利娅被杀死,李尔王守着心爱的小女儿的尸体悲痛地死去。However, unfavorable war, test Dili Ya was killed, King Lear Shouzhe the beloved daughter of the dead bodies of grief.

玛丽娅是在帮忙父亲工作长大的,整天忙着洗瓶子和试管,而且从中会热爱这门科学。Manya grew up helping her father with his work , busily washing bottles and test tubes and lear ning to love this Science.