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上帝发明同居,撒旦发明婚姻。God invented concubinage , Satan marriage.

而最近这些年,纳妾之风似乎有回潮的趋势。Concubinage has made a come back in recent years.

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而纳妾与一夫多妻制相比更符合中国的传统风俗。As a rule concubinage was more the custom than multiple wives.

各种纳妾方式并行于唐代社会中。A variety of concubinage are parallel society in the Tang Dynasty.

男人纳妾的历史悠久,在19世纪早期也非常普遍。Concubinage has a long history and was common through the early 20th century.

蓄妾在中国有悠久的历史,直到二十世纪初还是司空见惯之事。Concubinage has a long history in China and was common right up to the early 20th century.

虽然非法同居和脚束缚被禁止了,妇女的角色仍然认为是在家。Although concubinage and foot-binding have been outlawed, the woman's role is still considered to be in the home.

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蓄婢、纳妾和包办婚姻的习俗也是与地主制度分不开的。The institutions of slave girls, concubinage and forced marriage were also irrevocably tied to the landlord system.

周代这种异姓嫡媵婚制,使周代女性地位一落千丈。This system of marriage and concubinage made women experience a disastrous decline in terms of their social position.

纳妾虽属于富贵阶层的特权,但平民纳妾也不在少数。Concubinage is still the privilege of the rich class, but there still exist the phenomenon that the civilian concubinage.

妾制是妇女或未成年少女与社会地位较高的男人的准婚姻关系。Concubinage is the state of a woman or youth in an ongoing, quasi-matrimonial relationship with a man of higher social status.

提倡男女平等,废除纳妾制,导致了许多新的民主制度的诞生,因而八路军受到了妇女们特别热烈的拥护。Equality for women ended concubinage and resulted in many new freedoms which made women violent supporters of the 8th Route Army.

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1950年中国政府制定中国的第一个婚姻法,禁止包办婚姻,纳妾和儿童订婚,并允许离婚,可是离婚要在“调解和劝告导”失败之后。In 1950, the Chinese government enacted China's first marriage law. It banned arranged marriages, concubinage and child betrothal.

所以千百年来,纳妾早已成为体制,中国人对性也一直持有异常务实的态度。So concubinage has been an institution for thousands of years and the Chinese have always had an exceptionally pragmatic attitude toward sex.

但故事里的社会情境是可以纳妾的,赵薇的角色在现实条件下可以把丈夫与我分享,她到底该怎么回答?But the story's social context is the concubinage , Zhao Wei's role in the real conditions can share with my husband, how she was in the end the answer?

然而在传教士来华宣传基督教义遇到的诸多困难中,纳妾制却始终是一道不可逾越的障碍。However, in the course of their work with the Christian missionary in China, the missionaries encountered many difficulties on the issue of Concubinage System.