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什锦菜,河虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya , crawfish pie, fillet gumbo.

什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵。Jambalaya, craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo.

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什锦饭,河虾派,肉片秋葵。Jambalaya , craw-fish pie, fillet gumbo.

什锦菜,小龙虾派,和鱼片浓汤。Jambalaya, craw- fish pie, fillet gumbo.

我个人最爱旳是虾肉浓汤。My personal favorite is the shrimp gumbo.

我会替你把秋葵汤喝完。I'll just finish eating your gumbo for you.

什锦菜,小龙虾派,秋葵加肉片。Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo.

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为什么不致力于秋葵布丁网站弹出?Why not a site dedicated to gumbo pudding pops?

我会做出点尝试新的食物如秋葵浓汤。Ill make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo.

秋葵汤是一种很稠的汤,它最初起源于新奥尔良。Gumbo is a thick soup that originated in New Orleans.

我要让点,尝试新的食物秋葵秋葵汤一样。I'll make a point to trying new food like okra gumbo.

但是你还没有尝过我做的秋葵汤你好吗小可爱?But you haven't tasted my gumbo. How you doing, cutie ?

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在Gumbo论坛中问问题以及分享你的反馈Ask questions and share your feedback in the Gumbo forum

这是一锅人人能往里面加配料的秋葵浓汤。This is gumbo where everyone gets to put in an ingredient.

他认为,大叶刘易斯印象你的心灵。He believes that great gumbo leaves an impression on your soul.

落花生,秋葵和携带来自西非并且首先被在美国的奴隶们使用。Goober gumbo and tote are west african borrowings first used in america by slaves.

GUMBO吸引孔雀鱼的灯笼上用他的头,吸引他们远离外国人。GUMBO attracts guppies using the lantern on his head, luring them away from aliens.

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在新奥尔良,一个大罐美国杂碎荡从旗杆上滑落被狂欢者用于2007新年的倒记时。In New Orleans, a giant pot of gumbo slid down a flagpole as revelers counted down to 2007.

随着风暴的延续,热带风暴-邦妮已不会强大到使路易斯安那州感受到威胁。As tempests go, tropical storm Bonnie would barely be strong enough to cause a Louisianan to look up from his gumbo.

然而新奥尔良在秋葵浓汤基本做法的基础上又发明了无数种新的做法,从经典的克立奥尔风格到刺激的凯真风格不一而足。But New Orleans serves up countless variations of the basic gumbo recipe, from classic Creole style to pungent Cajun.