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看来火车头做的是越来越完美了。Look what loco does is more and more perfect.

因此,代替父母实际上已经不再使用了。So in loco parentis no longer really applied.

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"又是个神经病,"酒吧招待说过后,转过头去。"Otro loco mas," said the barman and turned away.

成为一个登山者,你必定有点儿疯狂。"YOU HAVE TO BE poco loco to be a climber, " says Dr.

大纲的基础上早日买卖类型,谢伊的典型特征。Outline based on the early loco type, with typical Shay features.

从此之后,为“代替父母”辩护变得越来越艰难了。After that, it became harder and harder to defend in loco parentis.

这类的人在火车头论坛,狂人论坛有大把的。This kind person is in loco forum, maniac forum has big. Of course.

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代替父母是一种拉丁术语意思为站在父母的立场上。" In loco parentis" is a Latin term meaning " in the place of a parent.

四种,它们分别是当地发票、FOB发票、CIF发票和全付发票。Four. They are Loco invoice, FOB invoice, CIF invoice and Franco invoice.

肯塔基州高院决定家长制符合这个规则。The Kentucky high court decided that in loco parentis justified that rule.

肯塔基州高等法院决定让“代替父母”辩护。The Kentucky high court decided that in loco parentis justified that rule.

肯塔基州高等法院站在当事人的立场上认定这条规定有效。The Kentucky High Court high court decided that in loco parentis just by justified that rule.

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多年来,诸如1913年Gott与Berea学院对簿公堂的案例,美国法庭是支持案件中存在“代替父母”行为的。For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in 1913.

代理父母地位说曾经一度是美国高校与学生关系的法律基础。The "in loco parentis" doctrine was once the legal basis for the student-university relationship at U.

随后的疯马则是由当年最好的葡萄酒和留存下来的前一号疯马的酒液混合而成。The subsequent Caballo Loco used this wine and then blended in the best wines from the following year.

“代替父母”认为女大学生和男大学生一般应该分开居住在男女生大楼内。In loco parentis meant that male and female college students usually had to live in separate buildings.

代替父母意思就是说男女大学生通常只能住在单独的建筑里。In loco parentis meant that male and female college students usually had to live in seperate separate buildings.

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多年以来,在诸如一九一三年戈特对伯里亚学院的诉讼案例中,美国法庭一直支持“代替父母”。For years, American courts upheld in loco parentis in cases such as Gott versus Berea College in nineteen thirteen.

“代替父母”认为女大学生和男大学生一般应该分开居住在男女生大楼内。In loco parentis , man meant that male and female college students usually had to live in separant separate buildings.

这就需要中国南部的公司不仅担负雇主的责任,而且也是在代替父母的责任。This creates an added responsibility for companies in southern China to be not just an employer but also in loco parentis.