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它的胸部明显地呈球形。It has a distinctly globular thorax.

球状星团曾经统治着银河系。Globular clusters once ruled the Milky Way.

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在心宿二右下方是球状星团M4。Below and to Antares' right is the globular cluster Messier 4.

球状星团中有很多宇宙中最古老的恒星。Globular clusters have some of the oldest stars inthe universe.

而且以自然铁为核心并包裹于方铁矿中,两者形成圆球形态。The grains of native iron are in globular form rimmed by wustite.

不同的植物描绘出恒星、球状星团,甚至还有星云。Different plants depict stars, globular clusters, and even nebulas.

当河豚鱼受到惊吓时,它会将自己膨胀成球状。When disturbed, the fish inflates itself and becomes globular in form.

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在其自然态中,蛋白质链被包成球蛋白的形式。In their natural state, the protein chain is folded into a globular form.

因此,研究球状星团可以向我们揭示银河系的历史。Studying globular clusters therefore tells us about the history of our galaxy.

我们可以观测到,球状星团在银河系周围的巨大光晕中广泛分布。Globular clusters can be found spread largely in a vast halo around our galaxy.

M13就是我们已知的围绕在银河系周围的150个球状星团之一。M13 is one of nearly 150 known globular clusters surrounding our MilkyWay galaxy.

M13就是我们已知的围绕在银河系周围的150个球状星团之一。M13 is one of nearly 150 known globular clusters surrounding our Milky Way galaxy.

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探索了球状锌粉锌基烧结涂层的基本工艺条件。Technology of obtaining Zinc-based sintered coating with globular Zinc powder was studied.

本文是围绕弧面分度凸轮机构CAD中的逆向设计进行的。This thesis discusses CAD for globular indexing cam mechanism on base of reverse engineering.

对于天文学家来说,半人马座欧米茄已久的球状星团之一弃儿。For astronomers, Omega Centauri has been an outcast amongst globular clusters for a long time.

球形胚晚期吸器自珠孔端向合点端逐渐细胞化。The haustorium cellularizated from the micropylar end to chalazal end at the later globular stage.

开放星团,也称为星系团,比球状星团的恒星还要少且年轻。Open clusters, also called galactic clusters, contain fewer and younger stars than globular clusters.

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而武仙座只是银河系周围能产生这种天文现象的一百五十多个球状星团之一。This hotbed of celestial activity is just one of nearly 150 globular clusters surrounding the Milky Way.

应该球形或椭圆形球体,甚至同一个小螺纹孔在每个粮食。Asim replied It should be globular or spheroid or even elliptical with a small thread hole in each grain.

用控制铸造法获得了亚共晶半固态灰铸铁球状组织。Globular microstructure of the semi-solid hypoeutectic gray iron was developed by the controlled casting.