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战前蓝调主要是指在二战前录制的乡村蓝调。Prewar Blues is country-blues recorded before World War II.

香水代表战前的坠落,魅力和美好时光。The perfume represented prewar decadence, glamour and good times in a bottle.

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得益于这笔援助,1952年日本经济恢复到战前水平。Thanks in part to that aid, Japan's economy was by 1952 growing at prewar levels.

国力大学,在战前是教育制度上的骄傲,当时是不收女生的。National universities, the pride of the prewar educational systems, were closed to women.

同学们可以根据这张地图和战前的欧洲地图,做出一张对比地图来。Students can use this map, along with a map from prewar Europe, to draw a comparison map.

但他不用35毫米胶片,而是采用德国战前设计的一款相机和禄来单反照相机。But he gave up 35mm film relying instead on a German camera of prewar design and a Rolleiflex.

战前的外地女式衬衫有四个方块折叠口袋,五年前的纽扣,再加上深绿色的衣领。Prewar Field Blouses had four box pleated pockets, a five button front, plus a dark green collar.

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这位情报人员的丈夫早先曾指责布什团队对伊拉克滥用战前情报。The agents husband had earlier accused the administration of misusing prewar intelligence on Iraq.

在战后高涨的民主气氛中,许多美国人重新审视他们在战前持有的种种偏见。In the democratic euphoria that followed the war, many Americans reassessed their prewar prejudices.

调查结果支持了伊拉克战前声称没有生化武器的声明。The findings uphold Iraq's prewar insistence that it did not possess chemical or biological weapons.

汕头早期外国人墓地的正门。一九○○年代明信片,汕头美璋照相印制。Main gate of a foreign cemetery in prewar Swatow. Postcard circa 1900s. Printed by Mee Cheung Studio, Swatow.

但在战前增强你有明确的扩张的联邦开支占国内生产总值的百分之十四。But in the prewar buildup you had a clear-cut expansion of federal spending on the order of 14 percent of GDP.

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这栋建于1929年的摩天大楼拥有与众不同的铜质折线形屋顶,能让宾客自由地饱览中央公园的景色。Built in 1929, the prewar skyscraper with the distinctive copper mansard roof offered unfettered views of Central Park.

返回到战前的水平,将需要安全,尤其是在像SERT,这是目前的战场重要的石油领域。Returning to its prewar levels will require security, especially in key oil areas like Sert, which is currently a battleground.

成员国的外贸恢复到战前水准,而最惊人的特点则是方向的转变。The foreign trade of the member states was back to its prewar levels, but its most remarkable feature was a change in direction.

总之,从体育的实例中可看出,战后初期台湾小学体育科教育,多半仍延续日据时期的方式在推展。In a word, early postwar physical education in Taiwan's elementary schools followed prewar ways of Japanese and pushed it forward.

吴江路,曾经委婉地被称为爱情弄,在战前的上海是红灯区,后来以小吃出名。Wujiang Road, once euphemistically called Love Lane, was a center for prostitution in prewar Shanghai and was later known for its snack stalls.

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她选择入住淮海路,上海前法租界区内繁华的购物街,那里的建筑都保留着战前的格局。She settled on the area of Huaihai Lu, a popular shopping street in the city's former French Concession, where buildings have retained their prewar charm.

由于利比亚陷入僵局长达数月,很多专家认为,利比亚将需要数年时间才能恢复战前的出口水平。With the situation in Libya at an impasse for months, many experts assumed it would take years before the country would return to prewar levels of exports.

战前蓝调全部采用美声唱法,但其中也有不同的风格,比如有美声吉他、钢琴蓝调、个人独唱或弦乐队等。Prewar blues is entirely acoustic, but there are variations to the style — it could be acoustic guitars, piano blues, solo singers, string bands, or jug bands.