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四点举行的会议通过了一项规章制度。The convocation held at four oclock had passed regulation.

你怎样看待大学评议会的角色和功能?How do you view the roles and functions of the Convocation ?

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在我们的毕业典礼上,我们都把学士帽抛到空中。At our convocation ceremony we all threw our caps in the air.

教士们的集会中,通过了一项受人谴责的战争决议。The convocation of clergymen passed a resolution condemning war.

我们主张立即召开这个会议。We declared ourselves for the immediate convocation of the meeting.

作为一名易性女人,我对这场集会上奇怪的东西感到异常地自在。As a transgender woman, I felt strangely at home at this convocation of adorable misfits.

为在一九五六年胜利地召开党的第八次全国代表大会而斗争!Strive for the successful convocation of the Eighth National Congress of the Party in 1956!

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随着柏林墙的倒塌,密特朗发现了一个能够迅速召开德洛尔政府间会议的契机。With the collapse of the Berlin Wall, Mitterrand saw an opportunity for rapid convocation of Delors' IGC.

贝尔·奥加纳在那被参议院会议厅所环绕的中央大堂中间停了下来。Bail Organa stopped cold in the middle of the Grand Con course that ringed the Senate's Convocation Chamber.

为中非合作论坛?to the successful convocation of the Forum on China- Africa Cooperation, Ministerial Conference Beijing 2000

按时完成检测任务,为十运会的顺利召开作出了积极的努力。Detection of mission completed on time for the smooth convocation of National Games has made a positive effort.

本年度的教材内容将做为史隆管理学院50周年大会学术研讨会议的基础。This year's teaching will be the basis for a workshop session at the Sloan School's 50th Anniversary Convocation.

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李肇星表示,此次六方会谈是有关各方共同努力的结果。Li said that the convocation of the talks itself is a fruit resulted from concerted efforts made by various parties.

企业的人性面〉1957史隆管理学院大会演讲稿,X理论与Y理论的介绍。McGregor, Douglas. The Human Side of the Enterprise. 1957 Sloan Convocation lecture introducing Theory X and Theory Y.

以下是斯坦福大学校长在2001年9月21日开学典礼上的致辞。The following remarks were delivered by the President of Stanford University at the Opening Convocation on September 21, 2001.

最后,我要热情欢迎亚太经合组织第九次领导人非正式会议在中国上海召开。In conclusion, I would like to warmly welcome the convocation of the ninth informal APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Shanghai, China.

中国代表团支持联大举行这次续会并希望上述决议草案能获得协商一致和通过。The Chinese Delegation supports the convocation of this meeting and hopes that the above draft resolution will be passed through consensus.

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真诚的祝愿达韦德桑顿首次入选由皮耶路易吉卡西拉吉执教的意大利21岁国家队。Davide Santon can finally give a hearty welcome to his first convocation with the Under 21 Italian representative coached by Pierluigi Casiraghi.

但是,如果要我来做一次毕业典礼演讲或会上发言,有某一些话我会希望告诉给毕业生们。But if I were to personally deliver a commencement speech or convocation address, there would be certain things that I would want to tell graduates.

我代表中国政府,对会议的召开表示衷心的祝贺,并祝愿会议取得圆满成功。I would like to express, on behalf of the Chinese Delegation, our hearty congratulations on the convocation of the meeting and wish it a complete success.