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使用大小鼠进行的两年致癌性研究也已经完成。Two-year carcinogenicity studies in rats and mice have also been completed.

其理由是氯仿具有致癌性,而在许多水中发现了THM。Standards were based on the carcinogenicity of chloroform, the THM found in most waters.

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研究结果表明了家用洗涤剂对鱼的毒性和潜在致癌性。This indicates the toxicity and potential carcinogenicity of domestic detergents on fish.

根据美国环保署的分类,毒死蜱不具有致癌性。The US EPA classification indicates that chlorpyrifos shows no evidence of carcinogenicity.

氟化物是否具有潜在致癌性仍然是目前氟健康效应研究的课题。Whether fluoride was a latency carcinogenicity had been a topic of study the health of fluoride.

美国政府也参与了一项利用转基因小鼠进行致癌实验的研究。The U. S. government is also involved in an effort to use transgenic mice in carcinogenicity testing.

从一单独进行的动物实验的研究中表明缺乏致癌性。There is evidence from an adequately conducted experimental animal study showing a lack of carcinogenicity.

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估计这些模型对于预测新的亚硝胺类化合物的致癌活性可能有较高的准确性。The models may be applied to make predictions for the carcinogenicity of new N-nitrosamines with high accuracy.

超低频磁场对实验室动物致癌性证据不足。There is inadequate evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields.

加拿大卫生部的科学家审查了这些研究,没有发现毒性和致癌性的证据。These studies, which have been reviewed by Health Canada scientists, have found no evidence of toxicity or carcinogenicity.

结论MTBE可诱导细胞增殖和抑制细胞凋亡,这是其动物致癌性的可能机制之一。Conclusion MTBE′s carcinogenicity to animals may relate to induction of cell proliferation and inhibition of cell apoptosis.

CYP2E1表达水平可能是机体对环境和工业毒物或致癌物敏感程度的重要因素。CYP2E1 levels may be associated with human susceptibility to toxicity and carcinogenicity of industrial and environmental chemicals.

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消费氯气为基础的溶剂是减少是因为其潜在致癌性,并因此更严格的规定。Consumption of chlorine-based solvents is decreasing because of its potential carcinogenicity and consequently more stringent regulations.

桔霉素是一种真菌毒素,作用的靶器官是肾脏,可以致畸、诱发肿瘤、突变等。However citrinin produced in the growth process of monascus is a mycotoxin and will induce teratogenicity carcinogenicity and mutagencity.

静态电磁场和超低频电场对人类致癌性证据不足。There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of static electric or magnetic fields and extremely low-frequency electric fields.

砷可能通过抑制砷中毒患者皮肤组织中MGMT、XRCC1等DNA修复基因的表达,影响基因组DNA稳定性和DNA修复功能而导致对皮肤的致癌作用。Arsenic causes carcinogenicity on human skin through inhibiting the expressions of MGMT, XRCC1 and influencing the genetic stability and the DNA repair function.

静态电磁场和超低频电场对实验室动物致癌性的相关数据未提供。No data relevant to the carcinogenicity of static electric or magnetic fields and extremely low-frequency electric fields in experimental animals were available.

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大部分拟除虫菊酯类农药属于环境激素类物质,长期接触会引起动物和人类产生不良反应,甚至诱发致畸、致癌、致突变作用。Most of them are the environmental hormone substances. Pyrethroids have toxic effects on animals and humans, inducing teratogenicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity.

由于伏马菌素具有较强的毒性、致癌性以及在自然界存在的普遍性,许多国家对其进行了限量要求。Many countries developed legislations to regulate and control Fumonisins in food and feed because of its toxicity, carcinogenicity and universality in natural environment.

本文把序贯判别方法应用于以遗传毒理学试验预测化学品的致癌性,优化预测的社会效益。The discriminant tree method has been used in the prediction of carcinogenicity of chemicals withgenotoxicity assays so that the best social effectiveness could be achieved.