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您能详细阐述一下吗?Can you elaborate on that?

但他拒绝阐述细节。But he declines to elaborate.

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请就你的观点详加说明。Please elaborate your points.

我精心编造了各种借口。I concocted elaborate excuses.

有的,这是需要精细设计的。There is. It's very elaborate.

你能说明吗Can you elaborate on that? Yeah.

不要质疑,不要细述,不要联想。Do not elaborate. Do not associate.

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杂志今天更是语焉不详。Zines today are even more elaborate.

但是这位中国领袖没有对此详加说明。The Chinese leader did not elaborate.

这些我们稍后将详细说明。We will elaborate more on this later.

这张海报有着非常花俏的图框。The poster has a very elaborate border.

他们的生活也并不奢靡铺张。They don’t live an elaborate lifestyle.

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下面我来详细阐述这话。Let me discuss that further-- elaborate.

不过他没有具体说明如何不切实际。Masuko said, though he didn't elaborate.

他们为这出戏精心“制作”戏装。They made elaborate costumes for the play.

精心装饰的出殡汽车沿街排列著。Elaborate funeral cars stood along the curb.

本文分六章来思考、分析及阐述。This sub-VI to think, analyze and elaborate.

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干尸身上的精美纹身有何深意?What did the mummy's elaborate tattoos mean?

我们将在接下来的部分中介绍这一主题。We will elaborate on this in the next section.

他们的生活也并不奢靡铺张。Mubarak. They don't live an elaborate lifestyle.