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立体电影被认为是有趣的。This stereoscopic film is thought of as interesting.

但是生成立体图却需要花费较长的绘制时间。But it would take a long time to render stereoscopic images.

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人物的忠、奸、善、恶、侠义都可从那张脸上表现出来,它的本身就是一种符号化的立体艺术。The masked face itself is a symbolized work of stereoscopic art.

是立体电影“大峡谷”。太吸引人了。A stereoscopic film "Grand Canyon". That's really a special attraction.

无论你喜欢不喜欢这种新技术,这场立体视效的革命已是如火如荼。The Stereoscopic revolution, whether you like it or not, is steaming ahead.

游仆虫皮层细胞骨架立体结构的研究。SEM Study on the Stereoscopic Structures of Cortical Cytoskeleton in Euplotes sp.

互补色分像法立体电视系统简便实用,利于推广普及。The anaglyph stereoscopic TV system is Simple, practical and easy to be popularized.

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这样一座城寨,是当年辉发的立国之基,也是抵御外敌的坚实防线和最后一道立体防线。What's more, it was a stereoscopic defence that had three walls against outside enemy.

它的立体摄像机眼睛前后转动,将房间里的物品尽收眼底。Its stereoscopic camera eyes swivel back and forth, taking in the contents of the room.

因此,立体图像的研究和实用化已经显得日益迫切。So, the study and application of stereoscopic image have become more and more emergently.

自动旋转眉笔,双色勾勒,只需轻轻一转,立体眉形优雅即现!Automatic rotating brow pencil. Two colors. Rotate to build stereoscopic and graceful eyebrow!

立体思维是现时代的产物,带有现时代的深刻的印记。The stereoscopic thinking is the nowaday's age outcome with deep print of the contemporary age.

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立体视感是人的左右两眼视图交叠后通过大脑形成的立体虚象。The stereoscopic view is a virtual stereo image formed by a left eye view and a right eye view.

临江素称“长白山立体资源宝库”,自然资源极为丰富。Linjiang is named "The Stereoscopic Resources Treasure Storehouse", with abundant nature resources.

结果立体视觉与视力、屈光不正、屈光参差、伤后手术时间及受伤年龄有关。Results Stereoscopic vision was associated with optic vision, anisometropia , operation time and age.

立体视频比传统的平面视觉能够传达更多的视觉信息。Stereoscopic images and videos convey more visual cues than traditional monoscopic images and videos.

应用深度编码,使图像具有立体感,更直观。The application depth code, enables the image to have the stereoscopic effect, is more direct-viewing.

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指出了达芬奇立体是近年来立体知觉机制研究的重要问题。Da Vinci stereopsis has been an important issue in the research of stereoscopic vision in recent years.

使用桌上型个人计算机为主机之数位立体制图仪,有数种形成立体视觉之方法。For a digital stereo mapping system, there are several different methods to obtain stereoscopic vision.

此外,我国目前的铁路设计都是在二维地图上进行的,直观表现缺乏立体感。In addition, as the current railway design is carried out in the 2D map, the stereoscopic effect is lacked.