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巴图林娜对这一指控予以否认。Baturina denies the allegation.

只有一个,未经证实的指控的来源这一点。There is only one, unverified source for this allegation.

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埃及奥委会的一位发言人表示将对此开展调查。An EOC spokesman said the allegation would be investigated.

众议院议员拉马.史密斯是提出声明的共和党成员之一。Congressman Lamar Smith was among Republicans making the allegation.

特区儿童与家庭服务机构在2006年的一项调查中称C。The D. C. Child and Family Services Agency investigated an allegation in 2006 that C. J.

“我已经过问此事,但没人可以确认这是一起非法枪杀事件,”他写到。“I have enquired on the matter but no-one confirms the allegation of shooting ” he wrote.

“我已经过问此事,但没人可以确认这是一起非法枪杀事件,”他写到。“I have enquired on the matter but no-one confirms the allegation of shooting,” he wrote.

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辩护团队的说法可能很快成为广泛散布的流言,有各种各样的添油加醋。The defense team's allegation 'could quickly become a viral rumor with all sorts of addenda to it.

我知道有人对一九九一年的波湾战争也提出同样的指控,但我不相信这种说法。I know the same allegation was made about the Gulf War in 1991, and I just don't believe it's true.

其他人则认为定义从未发生改谈,并且认为该主张是毫无根据的。Others claim that the definition was never changed and that this allegation is completely unfounded.

简而言之,中国人对西方人士指责的“个人权利”和“公正”不为所动。Simply put, Chinese stiff about the allegation of “individual rights” and “justice” by Western people.

根据伊拉克的法律,在决定是否审判前要经过法官的调查。Under Iraq's legal system a judge investigates an allegation before recommending whether to order a trial.

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所谓中国政府支持“黑客”攻击的说法纯属无中生有,是别有用心的。The allegation that the Chinese Government supports hacking is a sheer fabrication with an ulterior motive.

如果对交存人的声明有争议,应根据适用的法律确定举证责任。If the allegation of the depositor is contested, the burden of proof shall be governed by the applicable law.

南苏丹指责说,阿瑟得到了喀土穆的支持,不过这位反政府指挥官否认这一指控。South Sudan has accused Athor of receiving support from Khartoum, but the rebel leader denies the allegation.

美国务院新闻发言人向美联社表示,断言美国与此次暗杀有关“十分荒谬”。U. S. State Department spokesman told the Associated Press the allegation of American involvement was 'absurd.

奎林最高法院未予考虑被告人之一是美国公民的申述。The Supreme Court in Quirin did not consider the allegation that one of the accused was a United States citizen.

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这是亳无根据的指责,完全不应出自一名首相之口,因为它不符事实。This is a baseless allegation completely unworthy of the Prime Minister as nothing could be further from the truth.

船艇、舟赛委员会或仲裁委员会根据第六十一条第二款就船艇业已违反规则所作的指控。An allegation made under rule 61.2 by a boat, a race committee or a protest committee that a boat has broken a rule.

汉考克先生表示没有任何证据证明扎图利韦特是俄罗斯间谍。Mr Hancock said he'd seen no evidence to support the allegation against Katia Zatuliveter, who is a Russian national.