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他开心得呼喊起来。He whooped with delight.

她用咯咯声表示她的高兴。She gurgled her delight.

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他高兴得发狂。He is crazy with delight.

她高兴地咧开嘴笑。She grinned with delight.

她愉快地轻声笑了起来。She chuckled with delight.

吉尔高兴得哈哈大笑。Gill chortled with delight.

绿袖子曾是我的欢愉。Greensleeves was my delight.

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他面有喜色。His face beamed with delight.

本人轻哼这喜悦的诗。I croon this poem in delight.

我高兴的心花怒放。My heart expanded in delight.

她高兴地咧开嘴笑了。She is grinning with delight.

男孩高兴得格格地笑。The boy cackled with delight.

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那部歌剧真有意思。That opera was a real delight.

旅游是我最大的赏心乐事。Traveling is my chief delight.

每个五月清晨,就为你取乐For thy delight each May-morning

列奥的眼睛高兴得闪闪发光。Leo's eyes glinted with delight.

看小说真是一件快事。Reading novel is a real delight.

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她高兴地拍起手来。She clapped her hands in delight.

我从学习中得到了很大的乐趣。I take much delight in my studies.

“怡红”还是“怡绿”?。"Red Happiness" or "Green Delight"?