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懒散的街道是如此的安宁。The lazy streets so undemanding.

她是不苛求的,并且总是能迅速回应。She was easy and undemanding and always had a quick reply.

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能够永久存在的,是那分无形、无染且无求的爱。What exists forever is formless, undefiled and undemanding love.

这周剩余的日程继续比较轻松。Their schedule continues to be undemanding the rest of this week.

你想找一份薪优而要求低的工作,是不切实际,没有可能。You are asking for the moon if you want to find a job which is both well-paid and undemanding.

汤姆安乐于他那既无过高要求也不太费劲的工作而不曾想做任何改变。Tom is too comfortably ensconced in his modest, undemanding job ever to consider making a change.

同时,公众对目前高中输出的大量的低质量的毕业生已经没有耐心了。At the same time, the public has no patience with undemanding and superfluous high school offerings.

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这使他们能够扎根于要求不高的应用的一个新的市场或竞争性的领域。This allows them to take root in undemanding applications within a new market or arena of competition.

股市估值依然处于颇低的水平,而企业亦透过重组提升盈利能力。Valuations are still fairly undemanding . Companies are restructuring in order to boost profitability.

本算法容易实现实时,可以满足电力系统实时数据采集的需求。It is undemanding to implement and can fulfill the needs of real-time data acquisition in power system.

但现在他们这周剩余的赛程还算比较轻松,至少从纸面上看是这样的。Don't look now, but their schedule continues to be undemanding the rest of this week, at least on paper.

非常适合广大儿童和初学的青少年球友使用。What is more, skills are undemanding for these series rackets, which is quite fitting for juniors and beginners.

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你还是要利用肌肉,但是只是相对轻松地辅助骨骼一个一个垂直相叠加。You still use your muscles, but only for the relatively undemanding task of keeping your bones stacked vertically on one another.

总而言之,显示屏幕完全另人失望,只适合办公任务或要求不高的用户。Overall, the built-in display is completely disappointing and is only suitable for office tasks or for generally undemanding users.

人们常常把宠物形容为“没有要求的”,并且给他们无条件的爱,然而事实是,宠物要求人们大量的时间和注意力,特别的食物和关爱。People often describe pets as undemanding and giving unconditional love, when the reality is that pets require a lot of time and attention, special foods and care.

迪杜奇奥从来没有接过这么大规模的工程,他更擅长处理比较简单的浮雕,但他没有退缩,选择了刻一个穿衣服的大卫。Deduchio had never taken on a project of this size, he was more at home with fairly undemanding reliefs , but he pressed on choosing to creat what appeared to be a clothed David.

足球运动在中国应该是有天然优势的,它是最灵活和轻松的运动,只要有球,任何体型的男女都能玩得转,而且,这个运动起源于中国。Football should have natural advantages. It is the most flexible and undemanding of games, requiring only a ball, and can be played well by men and women of all shapes and sizes.

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但是尽管缺少食物,水,通讯和物资,大多数灾民并没有要求什么或者抱怨什么。一些人在玩扑克牌,完全有信心会有人照顾他们。But despite a lack of food, water, phone service and supplies, most of the victims were undemanding and uncomplaining -- some playing cards to pass the time -- confident they would be looked after.

由于经济社会的快速发展,侵害环境公共利益的现象层出不穷,政府监督不力、执法不严是这种现象产生的重要原因。With the rapid development of economy and society, the environment public interest is being scathed, which results from government's insufficiency of intendance and undemanding execution of the law.