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为什么骚动?Why create uproar?

大会在一片喧腾声中开始了。The rally began in an uproar.

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一个朋克乐队是怂恿一片哗然。A punky band is prodding uproar.

吵到无法让人安眠。By their uproar they prevent sleep".

前面人声喧嚷,后面一片混乱。Uproar reigns in front, tumult behind.

他的建议让会议陷入骚动。He suggested the meeting into an uproar.

他的笑话引得全屋的人哄堂大笑。His jokes set the whole room in an uproar.

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马丁在一片哄闹声中回到了座位。Martin took his seat amidst an uproar of voices.

这当然会引起父母们的骚动。This of course, has sent parents into an uproar.

你的琴声忽然幽远又哗然走近…You Yuan and your piano uproar suddenly approached.

海江田万里被视为尝试平静那些喧嚣。The shakeup was seen as an attempt to calm that uproar.

他家最近的争端,只是芝麻小事,毫无意义。The latest uproar in his family is much ado about nothing.

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这喧嚣声足以惊醒生者和死者。The uproar was enough to rouse both the quick and the dead.

所以我从没想过这篇日志会引起舆论大哗,但它还真就发生了。So, I never thought this message would cause uproar. But it did.

SIGG的CEO斯蒂夫·沃斯克令哗然的消费者更加瞠目结舌。The consumer uproar has been eye-opening for SIGG CEO Steve Wasik.

大丽吃个不停,从喧杂的语声中对宠儿说Dahlia, as she ate, said in a low voice to Favourite, amid the uproar

烟尘滚滚,人声嘈杂,夜色愈深,一切都陷入混乱之中。The dust, the uproar and the growing dark threw everything into chaos.

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可以证明,天空中任何有趣式样都可以引起一片哗然。Here's proof that anything funny-looking in the sky can cause an uproar.

午餐时间逐渐临近,喧嚣之中出现了片刻安静。When the luncheon hour drew near there came a slight lull in the uproar.

第二,你们应该要有良好的心态,不能急噪。Second, you should have good psychologies , can't make an uproar urgently.