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这些解决办法并非完全不需要花钱。None of these solutions is exactly costless.

确实,放松货币似乎毫无代价。Indeed, monetary easing appeared to be costless.

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放松货币的政策一度非常流行。Indeed, monetary easing appeared to be costless.

该方法快速、准确,成本低且易于操作。The method is fast, precise, costless and easy to operate.

快速的西装是免费的耐克运动鞋严重不寻常的。The Cheap nike shoes costless fast suit is severely an extraordinary sneaker.

新滤波器用在高压直流输电系统中将节省运行成本。New filters are costless in operation when used in HVDC power transmission system.

其中教训,值得华盛顿那些认为保护主义无须付出代价的决策者深思。There's a good lesson here for policy makers in Washington who think protectionism is costless.

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假定有两个国家,本国和外国,两国都生产小麦,且小麦在两国间的运输成本为零。Both countries consume and produce wheat, which can be costless transported between the countries.

当一个男人送给一个女人昂贵的珠宝,也许他想要的能回报他的东西有很多。When a man send costless jewellery to a woman, maybe he would like something what returned back to him were many.

这类策略利用的都是简单的信息,能够产生相当可观的收益,而达成这种改变的成本几乎可以忽略不计。The strategies make use of simple messages that can generate significant returns with changes that are virtually costless.

尽管如此我们的浮存金仍然无需支付任何成本,这主要是由于我们其它保险业务尤其是GEICO的杰出经营所创造的超级成果。Nevertheless, our float was costless in 2005 because of the superb results we had in our other insurance activities, particularly at GEICO.

作者认为,和私营企业类似,国企管理层和股东之间也存在利益分歧,这意味要确保最优的派息政策并非毫无成本。I suggest that for SOEs and private firms alike, divergent interests between managers and shareholders imply that ensuring optimal pay out policy is not costless.