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走下斜坡。Go down the slope.

它有这样的斜率。It has this slope here.

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就是这条直线的斜率is the slope of this line.

斜率用beta表示And the slope is called beta.

咱们顺著草坡滑下去。We slid down the grassy slope.

水有正的斜率。And water has a positive slope.

但我如何才能攀登上这条斜线?How can I ever climb the slope?

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滑雪运动员飞快地向下滑去。The skiers sped down the slope.

门前的台阶是洗白的斜坡。The steps are a blanched slope.

事实上没有任何的斜率。I don't actually have any slope.

车子摇晃着冲下斜坡。The car careened down the slope.

它等于价格曲线斜率的一半It's half the slope of the price.

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坡屋顶、平屋顶两种屋顶形式并存。Slope roof and flat roof coexist.

Dalarna最长的滑雪坡道。The longest ski slope in Dalarna.

雪橇沿著山坡向下滑行。The sledge coasted down the slope.

坦克正隆隆地开上一个斜坡。The tank was lumbering up a slope.

直线的斜率是多少?And so what is the slope of that line?

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这险峻陡峭的岩石山时。The steep slope of the rocky mountain.

粗大的圆木咕噜咕噜地从山坡上滚下来。Large logs came rolling down the slope.

坡陡路狭。The slope is steep and the path narrow.