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伊朗是这块动荡区域的槓杆支点。Iran is the fulcrum of an unstable region.

那鹰的静悬之处拼死迈进。Fulcrum of violence where the hawk hangs still.

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负荷比施力离支点按时完成得多。The load is much nearer to the fulcrum than the effort.

担忧的焦点已经转移到中国。The fulcrum of the axis of anxiety has shifted to China.

支点弯曲影像有潜在的预测能力。The fulcrum bending radiograph has potential predictive utility.

或许便携性是电子书的唯一支点。In the end, the portability may be the fulcrum, the only fulcrum.

辊耳轴,摇臂支点在哪里其安装螺栓原样。" Roller " fulcrum rocker trunnion as is, "where" mounting screws.

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我们的潜意识中认为一幅图的中心是一个支点。We unconsciously assume the center of a picture corresponds to a fulcrum.

我们把东盟看成是该地区新兴地区性架构的支点。We view ASEAN as a fulcrum for the region’s emerging regional architecture.

于是,生命就有了支点,有了诗意,有了无穷的向往和怀念。Thereupon, there's fulcrum for life, poetry of life, anda boundless hope yearn towards.

这个部件是整个系统的关键因为缺了它系统就玩不转了。This part is the fulcrum of the whole system because the system is nonentity without it.

当成长为一名足球运动员时,他与球队融合在一起,成为队伍进攻的核心。As he flowered as a footballer, he moved inside and became the fulcrum of his team's attack.

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泊恩凯尔的专注、创意、经验是我们为客户提供良好服务的坚实支点。BKD focus, creativity, experience is a solid fulcrum for our customers to provide good service.

由于支点的杆柄末端,重心的改变使杆头感觉更重。With fulcrum at end of shaft , the center of gravity is changed and clubhead feels much heavier.

明天上午从我帐上支点钱,给他买身衣服,洗个澡换上。How about tomorrow morning meal from my account to buy him a fulcrum money, clothes, bath change.

当时我并不理解,而研究香农的理念促成了这本书的创作。I didn't understand it at the time. Investigating Shannon's ideas became the fulcrum of this book.

当时我并不理解,而研究香农的理念促成了这本书的创作。I didn’t understand it at the time. Investigating Shannon’s ideas became the fulcrum of this book.

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穆旦诗歌里的“上帝”意象是诗人“人身以外”的一个支点与一份安慰。The imago of God in MU Dan's poems was his fulcrum and balm, which was "outside the body" of the poet.

知识必将成为发展的支柱,也将是改善生存环境的关键所在。Knowledge is going to have to serve as the fulcrum of progress or provide the key to a decent survival.

30年代的中国现代诗派,以追求情绪的朦胧美为其创作的艺术支点。Chinese modernist poetry school in 1930 s pursued the hazy beauty in mood as their creative art fulcrum.