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它有一个白色的灯泡和一个白色的灯罩。It has a white bulb and a white lampshade.

灯罩和灯泡用同一种软性材料制作。Lampshade and bulb made of the same flexible material.

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入侵者看见灯罩的影子渐渐消失。The invader saw the shadow of the lampshade fade away.

入侵者看见这个灯罩的阴影逐渐消掉。the invader saw the shadow of the lampshade fade away.

它也能自动地改变灯罩形状。It can also change the shape of its lampshade automatically.

利用该工艺制造了汽车塑料灯罩的模具。With this process the mould of car lampshade was manufactured.

灯罩可以很容易地制作了100多年以前。The lampshade could easily have been produced over 100 years ago.

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我看着别在灯罩上的蓝飘带,顿时感到羞愧。I looked at the ribbon pinned to my lampshade and suddenly felt ashamed.

我要绳尾的圆形按扭也是有亚克力与灯罩相配。I want the knob at the end of the string to be tinted acrylic to match with the lampshade.

灯罩颜色可选黄色、深蓝色或者纯白的布质或丝绸。The lampshade is available in either fabric or silk in yellow, midnight blue or pure white.

灯罩被设计成与建筑式造型相匹配的外形,有丝绸和布两种材质。The lampshade is sized to balance the architectural form and is available either in fabric or silk.

在这里,点花枕头创造一个视觉三角与灯罩和花瓶的壁炉。Here, the focal-point floral pillow creates a visual triangle with the lampshade and vase on the mantel.

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灯罩采用高强度、耐高温的玻璃透镜,聚光效果佳,辐射距离远。Its lampshade adopts high-Intensity, heatproof glass lens which has good spotlight and long distance of radiation.

要怎麽样用金属线变出一个艺术品?需要的是巧思与创意。By rewiring your imagination, metal threads can be turned into a myriad of practical ornaments, such as a lampshade.

一个灯罩将隐藏空的灯泡的蒙蔽的闪耀并且变软无遮盖的光源建立的坚固的阴影。A lampshade will hide the blinding glare of the bare bulb and soften the hard shadows created by the naked light source.

科学家们尝试将扬声器做成屋顶的磁瓦,甚至将它做成一个360度的灯罩。They have experimented with the speaker as a ceiling tile, and have even incorporated it around a 360 degrees lampshade.

自行充电式照明模组由一个日光灯管及一个灯罩组成,灯罩上布有薄膜太阳能板。This self-charging illuminative module is consisted of a lampshade covered by thin-film solar cells and a fluorescent tube in the middle.

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本文详细介绍了在汽车灯具镀膜机中用工业控制计算机与可编程序控制器实现对过程的检测、控制与管理。This paper gives a detail description of the fact that detection, control and management are realized by IPC and PLC in the plating equipment of car lampshade.

灯罩外有防阻燃PBT材料制成的塑件覆盖,帮助使用者避免因错误运行所造成的潜在伤害。The lampshade being covered with plastic shield which were made of PBT material of top fireproof can keep users from potential injure resulted from any mishandling.

灯的基座采用硬橡木、山毛榉、桃花心木等比较容易塑形的木材,灯罩材质选用丝绸或布。The lamp's base can be made from solid oak wood, beech tree or mahogany that makes the subsequent work of shaping possible. The lampshade is available in either fabric or silk.