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它不具有法律强制性It's not legally enforceable.

我如何能在法律上保护自己呢?What do I need to legally protect myself?

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但是追债人在法律范围内能做的多大限度呢?But how far can debt collectors legally go?

该地依法属政府所有。The land belongs legally to the Government.

你需要问,“这是一个合法的嵌入吗?”You need to ask, "Is it legally embeddable?".

品牌名称还必须是法律可以保护的。The brand name must also be legally protectable.

他们通过法律上成了这块土地的一部分They become legally part of the land, literally.

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事实上,它具有法律强制性Well it probably is legally enforceable actually.

马来西亚华裔,法律上单身,年龄25-42岁。Malaysian Chinese, Legally Single, Age group 25-42

Z一代的大多数人可能还无法合法驾驶汽车。Most of Generation Z can’t yet legally operate a car.

所以法律上儿子仍属于他们的家长。So sons legally were still under their paterfamilias.

阿米巴痢疾为法定乙类传染病。Amebic dysentery is B type infectious disease legally.

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官方法律上是这样。Now this is all legally and officially what's the case.

而这两家公司都表示在律上无苟同。The internet companies have both legally beed to differ.

本人所提交的全部信息资料均真实有效。All the individual information is true and legally liable.

非盟说,这个小组的决定将具有法律约束力。The AU says the panel's decisions will be legally binding.

这个男生说没有,但它确实有This guy says not, but it probably is legally enforceable.

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农民合法交易土地使用权多年。Peasants have been legally trading land-use rights for years.

难道我就这么奇迹般地返老还童,不能再合法买啤酒了?Would I then be, miraculously, too young to buy beer legally?

因为法律上她不属于这名男子的家户。Because legally she's actually not part of this man's household.